[ { "title":"Cloud", "url":"/site/cloud/" }, { "title":"Action Orchestrator" } ] Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Rch2ivyM8tqKohavPrQ4LUyXW4WIsPr _blank Docs https://docs.cloudmgmt.cisco.com/display/AO _blank Support https://community.cisco.com/t5/cloud-orchestration/bd-p/5631j-disc-dev-cloud-orches _blank
Benefits of Cisco Action Orchestrator
Repeatable tasks Create small snippets that can be re-used to create larger applications. Automated workflows Connect all of your key platforms and applications with REST-based workflows. Programmable Integrate with programming languages like Python for active and dynamic orchestration. One solution Bring all of your CloudOps, GitOps, and DevOps tools together in one solution.
Getting Started with Action Orchestrator
Build workflows with a drag-and-drop interface using preconstructed templates and customizable elements. Learn more with the videos and documents below.
https://metadata.production.devnetcloud.com/v1/catalogs/search fastMode=true&type=Code&sortBy=importance&keyPrefix=multidomain&extended=true 1 Multi-Domain automation sample code Download community shared and DevNet curated GitHub sample code through DevNet Code Exchange. Sorry, we couldn’t find any code repos you were looking for. Questions? We are here to help. Bring your questions to the Action Orchestrator community! Engage, collaborate and share with your fellow experts in the developer forum. /images/banner-question.png Ask in the Forum https://community.cisco.com/t5/cloud-orchestration/bd-p/5631j-disc-dev-cloud-orches button btn-primary btn-lg-wide