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AI - Supercharge Programmability Unveiling the power of AI and ML Man looking at AI Innovations Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology of our era and has begun reshaping our life and work, offering numerous AI use cases across industries. Cisco already harnesses AI-powered capabilities across its product and customer service portfolio and is leading innovation for AI-ready infrastructure. Here, you can find information about Cisco products that utilize machine learning technologies. We discuss topics regarding Predictive AI, Generative AI, and AI API of Cisco solutions and third-party organizations. ​ Cisco AI and ML #ciscoaiml Cisco AI Assistants #ciscoaiassistants Generative AI #generativeai #motificai
contentaiml LLMs and Predictive AI Create your own API & Code Assistant | Understanding RAG with Cisco Catalyst Center Video shows GenAI-powered API and code assistant creation, using RAG to generate Cisco Catalyst Center documentation and code with an LLM. Watch sss Cisco AI Assistant for Managing Firewall Policies See how administrators can use AI Assistant to effortlessly manage firewall devices, configure policies, and access reference materials whenever required, streamlining their workflow and boosting overall efficiency. Read sss Generative AI & Security, OWASP Top 10 for LLMs Discover Generative AI & Security and list OWASP Top 10 for LLMs with related examples. Watch sss responsibleai Responsible AI Responsible AI Principles Cisco Principles for Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Read sss The Cisco Responsible AI Framework Security by Design / Human Rights by Design / Privacy by Design for personal data and consequential decisions. Read sss
What's New in AI c2-t1 Featured Cisco Launches $1B Global AI Investment Fund Cisco is launching a $1B global investment fund to expand and develop secure, reliable and trustworthy AI solutions Blog link-up Read _blank Top Takeaways from the Cisco Live 2024 DevNet Zone: AI, Programmability, and More See how Cisco DevNet provides the resources and community automation engineers need to leveraging AI when building smarter, more efficient solutions. Blog link-up Read _blank Which Programming Language to Choose for AI? Python? C++? Java? JavaScript? R? Julia?... As is usually the case, it depends on your context, methods, and use-case which programming language is right for your AI project. Blog link-up Read _blank How to Get Started Using LLMs in IT and Network Engineering LLMs can be thought of as the engine of Generative AI. See four use cases for using LLMs in applications specific to IT and network engineering. Blog link-up Read _blank Experience Data Center Efficiency with Cisco's Unified Computing System (UCS) ALearn how Cisco's Unified Computing System (UCS) helps you stand at the forefront of data center energy-saving with attributes and design innovations. Blog link-up Read _blank Create your own API & Code Assistant Understanding RAG with Cisco Catalyst Center. Video link-up Watch _blank Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning true ciscoaiml Cisco AI and ML At Cisco, we acknowledge AI's transformative power in reshaping the future of technology. Through our AI-powered solutions, we strive to empower businesses and individuals to unlock new possibilities and drive innovation. This chapter contains articles, videos, and sites with information on how Cisco products utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Site Cisco AI Readiness Index Businesses need to be AI-ready in a way that is flexible, scalable, and provides industry-wide interoperability. Cisco set out to understand global artificial intelligence readiness with the AI Readiness Index assessment, which measures the readiness of companies to deploy AI solutions. Go _blank Site AI-ready infrastructure Deliver AI-ready infrastructure everywhere—edge, cloud, data center Go Article What is AIOps? AIOps has the potential to transform how NetOps and DevSecOps maintain IT infrastructure. Read /articles/what-is-aiops/ Site Webex Collaboration AI Portfolio AI-driven capabilities that enable hybrid work. Go Blog Securing AI: Navigating the Complex Landscape of Models, Fine-Tuning, and RAG This blog discusses how attackers might manipulate and compromise AI systems, highlighting potential vulnerabilities and the implications of such attacks on AI implementations. Read ciscoaiassistants Cisco AI Assistants Virtual assistants have become indispensable in our daily lives. These AI-driven assistants employ natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to comprehend and respond to user inquiries. Various Cisco products now feature assistants that utilize generative AI technologies who to help with policy management, answering questions on logs, and cloud native application security. Site Cisco AI Assistant for Security Give Your Firewall Admins Superpowers with the Cisco AI Assistant for Security. Go Site Cisco AI Assistant for Webex Introducing the most advanced generative AI-powered platform for hybrid work and customer experience. Go Site An intelligent advisor for your cloud Dive deeper into cloud security needs for your environment. Mitigate GenAI security risks through an LLM security protection suite inside Panoptica. Go generativeai Generative AI Generative AI can help network engineers and infrastructure developers increase their efficiency, troubleshoot issues, handle errors, validate config files, and more. One example of this is large language models (LLMs), a subfield of generative AI, which can produce human-like text based on given prompts. However, generative AI tools are not immune to producing incorrect information and can make mistakes through "hallucinations" or "AI bias." Blog Accessing the Power of AI-led Digital Transformation with API Abstraction This year, like no other, we will see organizations tap into APIs to sidestep the complexity and cost of developing and maintaining their own AI solutions and models. Read Sample Code LLM Documentation Demo for Nexus Dashboard A demo application showcasing how to run a local LLM on your own hardware. Includes samples that leverage open-source libraries (llama.cpp) and models (llama), as well as documentation from Nexus Dashboard. See repo /codeexchange/github/repo/ndavidson19/ciscolive/ Learning lab Explore Generative AI Capabilities This Learning Lab describes how you can use LLMs in your work. Learn /learning/labs/explore-generative-ai/explore-generative-ai-capabilities/ Sample Code Open Telemetry Network This code sample is built to showcase how you AI might assist you in troubleshooting network issues. See repo /codeexchange/github/repo/jillesca/CLEUR-DEVNET-3707 Video Generative AI & Security, OWASP Top 10 for LLMs This video reviews Generative AI & Security, a list of OWASP Top 10 for LLMs with related examples, and which tools and model scanners can help with AI security. Watch Learning lab Mixtral 8x7B and Llama 3 GenAI models with APIs This Learning Lab introduces you to leading open-source and open-access learning models, such as Mixtral 8x7B and Llama 3. Learn /learning/labs/open-source-llms-api/introduction/ Sample Code API Assistant with Cisco Catalyst Center Create your own API Assistant with Cisco Catalyst Center. See repo /codeexchange/github/repo/flopach/create-your-own-api-assistant-cisco-catalyst-center motificai Urgency to utilize AI is an issue facing many companies of all sizes. unlocks rapid, trusted delivery of GenAI capabilities in your organization. Integrate AI assistants, enable internal knowledge bases, implement policy controls and monitor it all with end-to-end visibility. Site Unlock rapid, trusted delivery of GenAI capabilities in your organization Go Video Accelerate your GenAI adoption journey with Unlock rapid, trusted delivery of GenAI capabilities in your organization and streamline management of GenAI building blocks. Watch Blog Introducing Motific: Outshift’s first solution for trusted delivery of GenAI applications Read Explore more topics
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Full-Stack Observability Unveiling the power of telemetry and observing it all. Discover Cisco’s Full-Stack Observability solution. Visit Hub /site/full-stack-observability/ sss
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Zero Trust The threat landscape is evolving rapidly. Adapt in real time with zero trust. Visit Hub /site/zero-trust/ sss
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Shift Left Security DevOps has been shifting operations ‘left’ and gaining relentless forward momentum. It’s time we did the same with security. Visit Hub /shift-left/ sss