[ { "title":"Security", "url":"/site/security/" }, { "title":"Cisco XDR" } ] Learn https://developer.cisco.com/learning/tracks/cisco-xdr Docs /docs/cisco-xdr/ Community https://community.cisco.com/t5/cisco-xdr/bd-p/developer-xdr _blank
How can Cisco XDR help?
Investigate and respond across products in one place Aggregate threat intelligence and detections from multliple vendors Automate threat hunting, investigation, response, and more
Explore Cisco XDR API Features
Incidents Incident manager that provides detailed incidents that have been enriched using data from integrated products and scored according to priority. API Documentation Investigate Single place to investigate across your integrated products and visualize all of the relevant threat intelligence. API Documentation Intelligence Central repository for both public and private threat intelligence that powers your investigations and adds context to incidents. API Documentation Automation No-to-low code automation built using a drag and drag editor. Workflows can augment how you investigate, respond, and more. API Documentation
Learn more about Cisco XDR >
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