ISE Postman Collections

Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) Postman Collections

This repo contains the Postman collections for the ISE REST APIs. This is probably the easiest way to begin playing with REST APIs.

  • External RESTful Services (ERS) : allow external clients to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on ISE resources. ERS is based on the HTTP/S protocol and REST methodology. The ERS APIs manage resources such as users, endpoints, network devices, portals, identity stores, scalable group, and many more elements!
  • Monitoring (MNT) : allow you to locate, monitor, and accumulate important real-time, session-based information about individual endpoints in a network from ISE Monitoring nodes. There are three different types of Monitoring APIs that you may invoke: Session Management, Troubleshooting, and Change of Authorization.
  • Platform Exchange Grid (pxGrid) : The Cisco Platform Exchange Grid (pxGrid) primarily offers a PubSub messaging system, with STOMP as the messaging protocol, for ISE and other security applications to share relevant topics of information. But pxGrid also offers REST APIs to make queries about information in these topics also for things like sessions, users, profiles, system health, SGTs, SGACLs, and RADIUS failures.



Postman is a popular collaboration platform for learning, development, and testing of REST APIs.


In Postman, under Collections, choose Import. You may then import via drag-and-drop of a downloaded collection file (*.postman_collection.json) or with a URL of a collection file in the GitHub repository.


The Cisco ISE Postman collection is licensed under the Cisco Sample Code License

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