Dns resolver to ACL of Vander Routers/Switchs
dirrecly convert any domain to ip access-list(ipv4)
support muilt-vander cisco_xr,cisco_xe,cisco_nexus,huawei,mikrotik
Executing program
1- update config file (config.ini) with information
ipaddress = [ip address of Host]
username = [username of host]
password = [password of host]
osHost = [vander type (cisco_xr,cisco_xe,cisco_nexus,huawei,mikrotik)]
acl_name =[ACL of name will generate ]
acl_type =[ACL action (deny | permit)]
output_folder_name = [folder name wll be storage of output files]
2- execute a software with use Argument
--config : choose file of config (like config.ini)
--apply_on_host : for apply ACL to host dirreclty
example :
#python3 py-dns.py --config config.ini --apply_on_host

Any advise for common problems or issues.
Contributors names and contact info
ex. Anas abdullkarim
Version History