🛡️ISE Management Tool

A python-based tool to manage a Cisco ISE over a command-line interface. It can be used to perform CRUD actions on Endpoints/Identity Groups or for setting up specific testing environments for Anyweb's ISE-Manager.


Anyweb's ISE-Manager extends this Tools functionality even more by providing a fully-fledged web-solution for administrating a Cisco ISE, as well as allowing the integration of a variety of business relevant process workflows and systems. The swiss army knife for your Cisco ISE - in true Anyweb fashion!

Anyweb ISE-Manager


This application relies on Pipenv for package and environment management. If not already installed, please make sure to do so using the official docs.

If no environment should be used, you could still opt out for the direct-route of manually installing the packages pip install -r requirements.txt. This will clutter your current system, so keep that in mind!

🗺️Quick Start Guide

The following guide is tested on Ubuntu 22.04 using Python 3.8.

  1. Clone the repository to a local directory
  2. In the same directory as main.py (root directory) add a .env-file containing the following information:
  1. Install the dependencies using pipenv install
  2. Run the application pipenv run python main.py --help


To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.
Alternatively, run a command inside the virtualenv with pipenv run.

Basic usage: pipenv run python main.py [ARGS]

  usage: main.py [-h] [--name NAME] [--mac MAC] [--description DESCRIPTION]
               [--delete] [--delete-with-clear] [--dry-run] [--create-isemanager-init]

🤠 ISE-Manager Light used to create, delete, search Endpoints and Endpoint Groups. And a lot more!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit

  --name NAME                   Specify a name for Endpoints/Group.
  --mac MAC                     Specify a MAC-Address for Endpoint.
  --description DESCRIPTION     Specify a Description for Endpoint/Group.

                                Possible choices are: [EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, STARTS_WITH, NOT_STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, NOT_ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS] Has to be
                                used in conjunction with '--name' (for EndpointGroups) or '--mac' (for Endpoints). Defaults to EQUALS.

  --lookup                      🔍 [SEARCH] Find an Endpoint Group with it's Endpoints (using '--name') or an Endpoint (using '--mac'). Can be used in conjunction with '
  --create                      ✏️ [CREATE] Create an Endpoint Group (using '--name' and '--description') or an Endpoint (using '--mac' and '--description').
  --delete                      🗑️ [DELETE] Delete an Endpoint Group (using '--name') or an Endpoint (using '--mac').
  --delete-with-clear           🗑️ [DELETE] Delete an Endpoint Group (using '--name') and all of it's Endpoints. Can be used in conjunction with '--filter-operator'.
  --dry-run                     🏍️ Show what Endpoints and Groups are involved witout performing the action
  --create-isemanager-init      📄 Creates a SQL file and a CSV file per group with all the associated endpoints. Designed to help syncing for ISE to ISEManager.   


Some samples would be:

  • Print all Endpoint Groups: main.py --lookup --name "" --filter-operator CONTAINS
  • Print Endpoints containing a certain MAC-Block: main.py --lookup --mac "00:01" --filter-operator CONTAINS
  • Simulate (DRY-RUN) removal of Identity Groups containing "testgb" with all their Endpoints:
/main.py --delete-with-clear --name "testgb" --filter-operator CONTAINS --dry-run
o GID: af42ae80-e5bb-11eb-894b-005056b226aa
o Name: TestGBenAbou123
o Description: description
 -> Endpoint: 00:01:02:03:04:06
o GID: 75f5ea70-e57f-11eb-894b-005056b226aa
o Name: TestGB123
o Description: Test Endpoint Group 1

⚠️Known issues

The application does not currently implement any kind of threading, which would be mandatory for larger datasets.

📯 Getting help

Please use the issue-page of the repository for any requests or bug reports.

✏️ Author(s)

This project was written and is maintained by the following individuals:

  • ISE-Manager Team @ Anyweb AG
View code on GitHub

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