Apache Spark is a fast and general purpose cluster computing system. It provides high level APIs in Java, Scala, Python & R as well as an optimized engine that supports general execution graphs. It also supports a tool called Spark SQL for SQL and relational data processing.
The AppDynamics Spark Extension can monitor multiple Spark clusters and worker nodes and extracts metrics from every running and completed Spark application, more specifically the jobs, executors, stages and storage RDDs within these applications. The metrics reported by the extension can be configured by users. We have developed this extension using the latest version of Spark (2.1.0).
Java 8
to build the extension artifact from source. You can check the java version used in maven using command mvn -v
or mvn --version
. If your maven is using some other java version then please download java 8 for your platform and set JAVA_HOME parameter before starting maven.git clone <repoUrl>
.Please place the extension in the "monitors" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory. Do not place the extension in the "extensions" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory.
As mentioned above, the Spark History Server is essential for metrics to persist even when applications have been killed or completed. To use the history server, the following needs to be done:
spark.eventLog.enabled true spark.eventLog.dir file:/tmp/spark-events #Can be modified to your preference. Create a directory called spark-events in your /tmp/ folder if you wish to use this exact same configuration. spark.history.provider org.apache.spark.deploy.history.FsHistoryProvider spark.history.fs.logDirectory file:/tmp/spark-events #Can be modified to your preference spark.history.fs.update.interval 10s #Can be modified to your preference spark.history.retainedApplications 50 #Can be modified to your preference spark.history.ui.maxApplications 5000 #Can be modified to your preference spark.history.ui.port 18080 #Can be modified to your preference spark.history.kerberos.enabled false
./bin/spark-submit <xyz> --properties-file path_to_spark_defaults_conf/spark-defaults.conf
Replace <xyz> placeholder with details of your application that you wish to submit.
For e.g.
./bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount /path/to/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-3.0.0.jar /path/of/file/to/perform/wordcount/mytext.txt --properties-file /path/to/conf/spark-defaults.conf
Please follow section 2.1 of the Document to set up metric prefix.
#Metric prefix used when SIM is enabled for your machine agent #metricPrefix: "Custom Metrics|Spark Monitor|" #This will publish metrics to specific tier #Instructions on how to retrieve the Component ID can be found in the Metric Prefix section of https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/How-do-I-troubleshoot-missing-custom-metrics-or-extensions/ta-p/28695 metricPrefix: "Server|Component:<COMPONENT OR TIER ID>|Custom Metrics|Spark Monitor|"
#Add your Spark History Servers here. servers: - host: "localhost" port: 18080 name: "Myspark"
You can configure multiple spark history servers like below:
servers: - host: "localhost" port: 18080 name: "Myspark 1" - host: "localhost" port: 18081 name: "Myspark 2"
Always include: (one thread per server + Number of applications you are monitoring in that server) + 1 (to run main task).
For example, if you have 2 spark history servers configured and 2 application in one server and 3 application in another server, then number of threads required are 8 ((1 + 2) for first server + (1 + 3) for second server + 1 thread to run main task)
The metrics shown in the file are customizable. You can choose to remove metrics or an entire section (jobs, stages etc) and they won't be reported. You can also add properties to individual metrics. The following properties can be added:
More details around this can be found here
## This section can be used to configure metrics published by the extension. You have the ability to add multipliers & modify the metric qualifiers for each metric. ## Valid 'cluster' rollup values: INDIVIDUAL, COLLECTIVE ## Valid 'aggregation' types: AVERAGE, SUM, OBSERVATION ## Valid 'time' rollup types: AVERAGE, SUM, CURRENT ## You can choose to not add any or all of these fields to any metric and the default values for each of the above will be used (INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE & AVERAGE for cluster, aggregation & time respectively). metrics: jobs: - name: "numTasks" alias: "Num Tasks" #Number of tasks in the application multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numCompletedTasks" alias: "Num Completed Tasks" #Number of completed tasks in the application multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numSkippedTasks" alias: "Num Skipped Tasks" #Number of completed tasks in the application" multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numFailedTasks" alias: "Num Failed Tasks" #Number of completed tasks in the application multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numActiveStages" alias: "Num Active Stages" #Number of active stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numCompletedStages" alias: "Num Completed Stages" #Number of completed stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numSkippedStages" alias: "Num Skipped Stages" #Number of completed stages" multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numFailedStages" alias: "Num Failed Stages" #Number of failed stages" multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" stages: - name: "numActiveTasks" alias: "Num Active Tasks" #Number of active tasks in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numCompleteTasks" alias: "Num Complete Tasks" #Number of complete tasks in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numFailedTasks" alias: "Num Failed Tasks" #Number of failed tasks in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "executorRunTime" alias: "Executor Run Time" #Time spent by executor in the application's stages (ms) multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "inputBytes" alias: "Input Bytes" #Input bytes in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "inputRecords" alias: "Input Records" #Input records in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "outputBytes" alias: "Output Bytes" #Output bytes in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "outputRecords" alias: "Output Records" #Output records in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "shuffleReadBytes" alias: "Shuffle Read Bytes" #Number of bytes read during a shuffle in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "shuffleReadRecords" alias: "Shuffle Read Records" #Number of records read during a shuffle in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "shuffleWriteBytes" alias: "Shuffle Write Bytes" #Number of bytes written during a shuffle in an application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "shuffleWriteRecords" alias: "Shuffle Write Records" #Number of shuffled records in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "memoryBytesSpilled" alias: "Memory Bytes Spilled" #Number of bytes spilled to disk in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "diskBytesSpilled" alias: "Disk Bytes Spilled" #Max size on disk of the spilled bytes in the application's stages multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" executors: - name: "rddBlocks" alias: "Rdd Blocks" #Number of persisted RDD blocks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "memoryUsed" alias: "Memory Used" #Amount of memory used for cached RDDs in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "diskUsed" alias: "Disk Used" #Amount of disk space used by persisted RDDs in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "activeTasks" alias: "Active Tasks" #Number of active tasks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "failedTasks" alias: "Failed Tasks" #Number of failed tasks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "completedTasks" alias: "Completed Tasks" #Number of completed tasks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "totalTasks" alias: "Total Tasks" #Total number of tasks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "totalDuration" alias: "Total Duration" #Time spent by the application's executors executing tasks (ms) multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "totalInputBytes" alias: "totalInputBytes" #Total number of input bytes in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "totalShuffleRead" alias: "Total Shuffle Read" #Total number of bytes read during a shuffle in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "totalShuffleWrite" alias: "Total Shuffle Write" #Total number of shuffled bytes in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "maxMemory" alias: "Max Memory" #Maximum memory available for caching RDD blocks in the application's executors multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" rdd: - name: "numPartitions" alias: "Num Partitions" #Number of persisted RDD partitions in the application/second multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "numCachedPartitions" alias: "Num Cached Partitions" #Number of in-memory cached RDD partitions in the application/second multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "memoryUsed" alias: "Memory Used" #Amount of memory used in the application's persisted RDDs multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false" - name: "diskUsed" alias: "Disk Used" #Amount of disk space used by persisted RDDs in the application multiplier: "1" aggregationType: "AVERAGE" timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE" clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL" delta: "false"
Please copy all the contents of the config.yml file and go here . On reaching the website, paste the contents and press the “Validate YAML” button.
Workbench is an inbuilt feature provided with each extension in order to assist you to fine tune the extension setup before you actually deploy it on the controller. Please review the following document on How to use the Extensions WorkBench
Please follow the steps listed in this troubleshooting-document in order to troubleshoot your issue. These are a set of common issues that customers might have faced during the installation of the extension.
Check if curl command is returning successful response for any endpoint (Job, Executor, Stage, RDD)
curl -v http://<host>:<port>/api/v1/applications/<application-id>/jobs
curl -v http://<host>:<port>/api/v1/applications/<application-id>/executors
curl -v http://<host>:<port>/api/v1/applications/<application-id>/stages
curl -v http://<host>:<port>/api/v1/applications/<application-id>/storage/rdd
For e.g.
>curl -v
"jobId" : 0,
"name" : "collect at JavaWordCount.java:53",
"submissionTime" : "2021-07-30T10:52:12.343GMT",
"completionTime" : "2021-07-30T10:52:13.415GMT",
"stageIds" : [ 0, 1 ],
"status" : "SUCCEEDED",
"numTasks" : 2,
"numActiveTasks" : 0,
"numCompletedTasks" : 2,
"numSkippedTasks" : 0,
"numFailedTasks" : 0,
"numKilledTasks" : 0,
"numCompletedIndices" : 2,
"numActiveStages" : 0,
"numCompletedStages" : 2,
"numSkippedStages" : 0,
"numFailedStages" : 0,
"killedTasksSummary" : { }
Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly via GitHub.
Name | Version |
Extension Version | 1.2.0 |
Product Tested on | 3.0.0 |
Last Update | 04/08/2021 |
ChangeList | ChangeLog |
Note: While extensions are maintained and supported by customers under the open-source licensing model, they interact with agents and Controllers that are subject to AppDynamics’ maintenance and support policy. Some extensions have been tested with AppDynamics 4.5.13+ artifacts, but you are strongly recommended against using versions that are no longer supported.
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