This extension connects to a Prometheus endpoint and runs the specified queries.
Responses are then parsed and then passed to AppDynamics as analytics events.
$ brew install node
(Optional) AWS Account with access to IAM and Lambda - only required if deploying to Lambda
(Optional) Claudia.js - only required if deploying to Lambda
$ npm install claudia -g
$ git clone
$ cd appd-prometheus
This extension default configuration is to run locally. If you would like to run the
extension inside a Lambda function. You need to edit src/index.js and comment
out the last line in the file. It should look like this:
// runLocal()
If you are deploying to Lambda and have commented out 'runLocal()' you will need to rebuild the project. Rebuilding will parse the source code in /src and store the built version in /dist.
npm run build
Open the the conf/config.json file for editing. The default configuration is below
"read_local": false ,
"prometheus_url": "http://localhost:9090",
"appd_analytics_url": "",
"appd_global_account_name": "",
"appd_events_api_key": "",
"schema_name": "prometheus_events",
"local_file": "data/sample.json"
Parameter | Function | Default Value |
read_local | Choose to read from local data file instead of pulling data from Prometheus API. Useful during debugging. | false |
prometheus_url | The URL of your Prometheus deployment | http://localhost:9090 |
appd_analytics_url | URL to connect to the AppD controller events service. See our documentation for the URL for your controller. | (blank) |
appd_global_account_name | Account name to connect to the AppD controller. See Settings > License > Account for the value for your controller | (blank) |
appd_events_api_key | API Key to connect to AppD controller events service. See our documentation to create an API key. | (blank) |
schema_name | Reporting data to analytics requires a schema to be created. Change this value if you are connecting more than one of these extensions to more than one Prometheus deployment | prometheus_events |
local_file | The location of the local file used for data when read_local is set to true |
data/sample.json |
To be able to publish Prometheus data to AppD a custom schema needs to be created in your controller. This schema must match the data types of your Prometheus data. The default schema configuration matches the schema required for the default queries in conf/queries.txt.
Open conf/schema.json for editing.
"name": "string",
"instance": "string",
"job": "string",
"quantile": "string",
"code": "string",
"handler": "string",
"value": "float"
Ensure the following:
is required and should not be changed.value
is required and shold not be changed.The extension cannot modify or delete existing schemas. If you have an existing schema which needs editing follow instructions in our documentation
The extension has been designed to run Prometheus queries in series. By default
the extension will run two sample queries as defined in conf/queries.txt and send the data to AppD as analytics events.
Open conf/queries.txt for editing.
The two default queries are listed above. You can add and change these to match the data that you'd like to export from Prometheus to AppD. Each query should be on its own line.
Once you have added your queries you should ensure that your schema config matches the data that Prometheus will return. Failure to do this will cause an error at runtime.
If running locally the extension is ready to run. Run the extension with the
following command.
$ npm run run
$ node dist/index.js
Create AWS profile with IAM full access, Lambda full access, and API Gateway
Admin privileges.
Add the keys to your .aws/credentials file
aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET
$ claudia create --region us-east-1 --handler index.handler
When the deployment completes, Claudia will save a new file claudia.json in
your project directory, with the function details, so you can invoke and
update it easily.
For more detailed instructions see:
You can either use the AWS UI to trigger the function. Or you can setup a trigger.
A common trigger would be to run this extension once per minute.
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