AppDynamics Azure Service Bus Monitoring Extension

This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.

Use Case

Windows Azure is an Internet-scale computing and services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. It includes a number of features with corresponding developer services which can be used individually or together.


  1. Before the extension is installed, the prerequisites mentioned here need to be met. Please do not proceed with the extension installation if the specified prerequisites are not met
  2. Extension uses service principal based authentication. For more details please refer here.
  3. The extension needs to be able to connect to Azure services in order to collect and send metrics. To do this, you will have to establish a successful connection in between the extension and the product.


  1. Run "mvn clean install" from "AzureServiceBusMonitorRepo"
  2. Unzip the contents of AzureServiceBusMonitor-<version>.zip file (<AzureServiceBusMonitor> / targets) to the "<MachineAgent_Dir>/monitors" directory
  3. Edit the file config.yml as described below in Configuration Section, located in <MachineAgent_Dir>/monitors/AzureServiceBusMonitor and update the Azure server(s) details.
  4. All metrics to be reported are also configured in config.yml file.
  5. Restart the Machine Agent

Please place the extension in the "monitors" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory. Do not place the extension in the "extensions" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory.



Configure metric prefix

Please follow section 2.1 of the Document to set up metric prefix.

#Metric prefix used when SIM is enabled for your machine agent
#metricPrefix: "Custom Metrics|Azure Service Bus|"

#This will publish metrics to specific tier
#Instructions on how to retrieve the Component ID can be found in the Metric Prefix section of
metricPrefix: Server|Component:<COMPONENT_ID>|Custom Metrics|Azure Service Bus|

Azure server configuration

Following are the details on how to configure Azure server

  - displayName: "Server 1"
    namespace: "CloudCollectorNS"
    resourceGroup: "cloud-collectors-rg"
    tenantId: ""
    subscriptionId: ""
    clientId: ""
    clientSecret: ""

    # Provide sasKeyName,sasKey or encryptedSasKeyName,encryptedSasKey
    #encryptedTenantId: ""
    #encryptedSubscriptionId: ""
    # Provide either include or exclude configuration.
    # If include and exclude are provided, will consider only include.
    # If include and exclude are not provided, will fetch everything.
    # Define queues to include. supports regex
    includeQueues: [".*"]
    # Define queues to exclude. supports regex
    excludeQueues: []
    # Define topics to include. supports regex
    includeTopics: [".*"]
    # Define topics to exclude. supports regex
    excludeTopics: []

Multiple servers can be configured like below

  - displayName: "Server 1"
    namespace: "CloudCollectorNS-1"
    resourceGroup: "cloud-collectors-rg-1"
    tenantId: ""
    subscriptionId: ""
    clientId: ""
    clientSecret: ""

    # Provide sasKeyName,sasKey or encryptedSasKeyName,encryptedSasKey
    #encryptedTenantId: ""
    #encryptedSubscriptionId: ""
    # Provide either include or exclude configuration.
    # If include and exclude are provided, will consider only include.
    # If include and exclude are not provided, will fetch everything.
    # Define queues to include. supports regex
    includeQueues: [".*"]
    # Define queues to exclude. supports regex
    excludeQueues: []
    # Define topics to include. supports regex
    includeTopics: [".*"]
    # Define topics to exclude. supports regex
    excludeTopics: []
  - displayName: "Server 2"
    namespace: "CloudCollectorNS-2"
    resourceGroup: "cloud-collectors-rg-2"
    tenantId: ""
    subscriptionId: ""
    clientId: ""
    clientSecret: ""

    # Provide sasKeyName,sasKey or encryptedSasKeyName,encryptedSasKey
    #encryptedTenantId: ""
    #encryptedSubscriptionId: ""
    # Provide either include or exclude configuration.
    # If include and exclude are provided, will consider only include.
    # If include and exclude are not provided, will fetch everything.
    # Define queues to include. supports regex
    includeQueues: [".*"]
    # Define queues to exclude. supports regex
    excludeQueues: []
    # Define topics to include. supports regex
    includeTopics: [".*"]
    # Define topics to exclude. supports regex
    excludeTopics: []

Number of threads

Always include: (one thread per server + 2 for queue and topic processor) + 1 (to run main task).

For example, if you have 2 Azure servers configured, then number of threads required are 7 ((1 + 2) for first server + (1 + 2) for second server + 1 thread to run main task)

Configure metric section

The metrics shown in the file are customizable. You can choose to modify metrics or remove an entire section (queueMetrics, topicMetrics etc) and they won't be reported. You can also add properties to individual metrics. The following properties can be added:

  1. alias: The actual name of the metric as you would see it in the metric browser
  2. multiplier: Used to transform the metric value, particularly for cases where memory is reported in bytes. 1.0 by default.
  3. delta: Used to display a 'delta' or a difference between metrics that have an increasing value every minute. False by default.
  4. clusterRollUpType: The cluster-rollup qualifier specifies how the Controller aggregates metric values in a tier (a cluster of nodes). The value is an enumerated type. Valid values are INDIVIDUAL (default) or COLLECTIVE.
  5. aggregationType: The aggregator qualifier specifies how the Machine Agent aggregates the values reported during a one-minute period. Valid values are AVERAGE (default) or SUM or OBSERVATION.
  6. timeRollUpType: The time-rollup qualifier specifies how the Controller rolls up the values when it converts from one-minute granularity tables to 10-minute granularity and 60-minute granularity tables over time. Valid values are AVERAGE (default) or SUM or CURRENT.
  7. convert: Used to report a metric that is reporting text value by converting the value to its mapped integer
  8. fromQueue: Specifies if the metric is collected from Azure metric API or from the Queue itself.
  9. fromTopic: Specifies if the metric is collected from Azure metric API or from the Topic itself.

More details around this can be found here

  - name: "ActiveMessages"
    alias: "Active Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "false"
  - name: "DeadletteredMessages"
    alias: "DeadLetter Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "false"
  - name: "ScheduledMessages"
    alias: "Scheduled Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "false"
  - name: "Messages"
    alias: "Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "false"
  - name: "Size"
    alias: "Size In Bytes"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "false"
  - name: "IncomingRequests"
    alias: "Incoming Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "SuccessfulRequests"
    alias: "Successful Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "ServerErrors"
    alias: "Server Errors"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "UserErrors"
    alias: "User Errors"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "ThrottledRequests"
    alias: "Throttled Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "TransferMessageCount"
    alias: "Transfer Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "true"
  - name: "TransferDeadLetterMessageCount"
    alias: "Transfer DeadLetter Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "true"
  - name: "MaxDeliveryCount"
    alias: "Max Delivery Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "true"
  - name: "MaxSizeInMegabytes"
    alias: "Max Size In Megabytes"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "true"
  - name: "Status"
    alias: "Status"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromQueue: "true"
      Active: "1"
      Disabled: "2"
      Restoring: "3"
      SendDisabled: "4"
      ReceiveDisabled: "5"
      Creating: "6"
      Deleting: "7"
      Renaming: "8"
      Unknown: "9"

  - name: "ActiveMessages"
    alias: "Active Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "DeadletteredMessages"
    alias: "DeadLetter Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "ScheduledMessages"
    alias: "Scheduled Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "Size"
    alias: "Size In Bytes"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "IncomingRequests"
    alias: "Incoming Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "SuccessfulRequests"
    alias: "Successful Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "ServerErrors"
    alias: "Server Errors"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "UserErrors"
    alias: "User Errors"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "ThrottledRequests"
    alias: "Throttled Requests"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "false"
  - name: "TransferMessageCount"
    alias: "Transfer Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "true"
  - name: "TransferDeadLetterMessageCount"
    alias: "Transfer DeadLetter Message Count"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "true"
  - name: "MaxSizeInMegabytes"
    alias: "Max Size In Megabytes"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "true"
  - name: "Status"
    alias: "Status"
    multiplier: "1"
    aggregationType: "AVERAGE"
    timeRollUpType: "AVERAGE"
    clusterRollUpType: "INDIVIDUAL"
    delta: "false"
    fromTopic: "true"
      Active: "1"
      Disabled: "2"
      Restoring: "3"
      SendDisabled: "4"
      ReceiveDisabled: "5"
      Creating: "6"
      Deleting: "7"
      Renaming: "8"
      Unknown: "9"

Yml Validation

Please copy all the contents of the config.yml file and go here . On reaching the website, paste the contents and press the “Validate YAML” button.


The following metrics are reported.


Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Active Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/DeadLetter Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Scheduled Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Transfer Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Transfer DeadLetter Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Max Delivery Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Max Size In Megabytes
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Size In Bytes
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Status
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Incoming Requests
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Successful Requests
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Server Errors
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/User Errors
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Queues/{QueueName}/Throttled Requests


Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Active Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/DeadLetter Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Scheduled Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Transfer Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Transfer DeadLetter Message Count
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Max Size In Megabytes
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Size In Bytes
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Status
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Incoming Requests
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Successful Requests
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Server Errors
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/User Errors
Azure Service Bus/{ServerName}/Topics/{TopicName}/Throttled Requests

Password encryption

Please visit this page to get detailed instructions on password encryption. The steps in this document will guide you through the whole process.


Workbench is an inbuilt feature provided with each extension in order to assist you to fine tune the extension setup before you actually deploy it on the controller. Please review the following document on How to use the Extensions WorkBench


Please follow the steps listed in this troubleshooting-document in order to troubleshoot your issue. These are a set of common issues that customers might have faced during the installation of the extension.


Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub.


Name Version
Extension Version 4.0.0
Last Update 12 July 2023
ChangeList ChangeLog

Note: While extensions are maintained and supported by customers under the open-source licensing model, they interact with agents and Controllers that are subject to AppDynamics’ maintenance and support policy. Some extensions have been tested with AppDynamics 4.5.13+ artifacts, but you are strongly recommended against using versions that are no longer supported.

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