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What you need to build ExSIP

You just need to have Node.js and Git. Optionally you also need PhantomJS if you want to run test units.




(optional, just for running unit tests)

  • Install PhantomJS
  • In modern Debian/Ubuntu systems PhantomJS can be installed via apt-get install phantomjs

How to build ExSIP

Install grunt-cli globally:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Enter the directory and install the Node.js dependencies:

$ cd ExSIP && npm install

Make sure you have grunt installed by testing:

$ grunt -version

Finally, run grunt command with no arguments to get a complete version of ExSIP:

$ grunt

The built version of ExSIP will be available in the dist/ subdirectory in both flavors: normal (uncompressed) and minified, both linted with JSLint. There will be also a file named dist/exsip-devel.js which is an exact copy of the uncompressed file.

Development version

Run grunt devel for just generating the dist/exsip-devel.js file. An uncompressed ExSIP source file named exsip-devel.js will be created in dist directory.

Test units

ExSIP includes test units based on QUnit. Test units use the dist/exsip-devel.js file. Run the tests as follows:

$ grunt test

Running "qunit-serverless:all" (qunit-serverless) task
654 tests complete (1.6 seconds)
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