Github Pages Server

This is a basic server that has the ability to sit and watch a repository's branch for updates, serving the content.
Set up
Step 1: Clone on target server
git clone
Step 2: Add the SSL Keys and Certificates
After you've configured the ssl keys and certificates, add them into the directory. Name them nginx.key
and nginx.crt
Step 3: Build the Container
docker build . -t github-pages-server:latest
Step 4: Clone the target repo on the proper branch
Clone the repo who's docs you want to monitor
git clone -b <branch> <remote_repo>
For example,
git clone -b gh-pages
Note: This must be the same branch where the github pages static files are build
Don't forget to change into the directory of your new project!
Step 5: Setup Cronjob
Use the following for the crontab
* * * * * <git install location> -C <path to target repo> pull origin <branch name>
For example,
* * * * * /usr/bin/git -C /root/myproject pull origin gh-pages
This will set up a pull once a minute to update the server
Step 6: Run the nginx container
docker run -it -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html github-pages-server:latest
That's it! You should be able to navigate to the IP in your browser and see your github pages serving!