Use Case
Pre provisioning Steps
Step 1: Intersight Target configuration for AppDynamics and on prem entities
Step 2: Setting up TFCB Workspaces
Step 3: Share variables with a Global Workspace
Step 4: Prepping infrastructure & platform for application deployment
Interfacing with AppDynamics Controller API for Provisioning
Step 5: Use RBAC script to create AppDynamics User and license rule
Step 6: Install k8s metrics server
Step 7: Install Kubernetes Cluster Agent
Deploying App Services followed by automated instrumentation of AppDynamics agents
Step 8: Deploy application registry services
Step 9: Deploy application services
Generate Application Load
View Application Insights in AppDynamics and Intersight
Interfacing with AppDynamics Controller API for De-provisioning
Step 10: Undeploy application services
Step 11: Undeploy AppDynamics Cluster Agent
Step 12: Deprovision k8s cluster
As a DevOps and App developer, use IST (Intersight Service for Terraform) to enable existing containerized k8s services for AppDynamics Insights
As DevOps and App Developer, use Intersight and AppDynamics to get app and infrastructure insights for Full Stack Observability
This use case addresses the third flow in the diagram below:
The VM template that you provision in Step 5 below will have a ubuntu image with user "root/Cisco123" provisioned with sudo privileges. Terraform scripts will use this user credentials to remotely run installation scripts in the VM.
Sign up for a user account on You will need Premier license as well as IWO license to complete this use case.
Sign up for a TFCB (Terraform for Cloud Business) at Log in and generate the User API Key. You will need this when you create the TF Cloud Target in Intersight.
You will need access to a vSphere infrastructure with backend compute and storage provisioned
You will create an account on and save the username and password. This is to download the docker images from the repo.
You will log into your Intersight account and create the following targets. Please refer to Intersight docs for details on how to create these Targets:
TFC Cloud
TFC Cloud Agent - When you claim the TF Cloud Agent, please make sure you have the following added to your Managed Hosts. This is in addition to other local subnets you may have that hosts your kubernetes cluster like the IPPool that you may configure for your k8s addressing:
NO_PROXY URL's listed:
You will set up the following workspaces in TFCB and link to the VCS repos specified.
tfiksglobal ->
tfikshost ->
tfiksrbac ->
tfiksmetrics ->
tfiksclagent ->
tfiksteareg ->
tfiksteaapp ->
tfiksload ->
tfiksremove ->
You will set up the tfiksglobal workspace here.
You will set the following variables:
appport - eg. 30080 for the Teastore app
nbrapm - eg. 8 for the Teastore app
nbrma - eg. 1 for the Teastore app
nbrsim - eg. 1 for the Teastore app
nbrnet - eg. 0 for the Teastore app
privatekey - your ssh private key that you used to provision your IKS cluster nodes
url - eg.
account - eg. devnet
namespaces - eg. default
username - eg. TBD, just enter a random str
password - eg. TBD, just enter a random str
dockeruser - your user name for
dockerpass - your password for
storename - your store name. eg. IKSChaiStore
Please also set this workspace to share its data with other workspaces in the organization by enabling Settings->General Settings->Share State Globally.
You will set up the tfikshost workspace here
Set Execution Mode as Remote.Please also set this workspace to share its data with other workspaces in the organization by enabling Settings->General Settings->Share State Globally.
You will set the following variables:
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks, which is the workspace that created the IKS k8s cluster
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
You will set up the tfiksrbac workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks, which is the workspace that created the IKS k8s cluster
org - eg. Lab14, which is the TFCB organization
hostwsname - tfikshost
globalwsname - tfiksglobal
You will set up the tfiksmetrics workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
org - eg. Lab14
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks
You will set up the tfiksclagent workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks
globalwsname - tfiksglobal
hostwsname - tfikshost
You will set up the tfiksteareg workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks
You will set up the tfiksteaapp workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
ikswsname - eg. sb_iks
You will set up the tfiksload workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
hostwsname - tfikshost
globalwsname - tfiksglobal
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
trigcount - trigger count, set to some random number
You will set up the tfiksremove workspace here.
Set Execution Mode as Agent and select the TF Cloud Agent that you have provisioned.
You will set the following variables:
hostwsname - tfikshost
globalwsname - tfiksglobal
org - TFCB organization like "CiscoDevNet" or "Lab14"
Execute the tfiksglobal TFCB workspace to setup the global variables for other workspaces. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
In this step, you will set up the k8s cluster to host the application containers. You will follow the directions in this Code Exchange entry to create a IKS (Intersight Kubernetes Service) k8s cluster:
Also, Execute the tfikshost TFCB workspace to setup the master node to run some of the utility functions needed in this deployment. This will be needed to access the application in Step 9.
Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step. Also, make a note of the master node IP address.
Execute the tfiksrbac TFCB workspace to set up the user/role/license rules in SAAS Controller. This will also create the k8s secret for the accesskey that will used to install the cluster agent in the cluster. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
Execute the tfiksmetrics TFCB workspace to set up the metrics server which the cluster agent will levarage in the next step. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
Execute the tfiksclagent TFCB workspace to install the cluster agent in the k8s cluster to automatically instrument the Java services. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
Execute the tfiksteareg TFCB workspace to deploy the application registry service which is a dependency for the other app services. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
Execute the tfiksteaapp TFCB workspace to deploy the application registry service which is a dependency for the other app services. Check for a sucessful Run before progressing to the next step.
View the application deployment status at:
View the application at:
Execute the tfiksload workspace to generate load for the apps deployed
Checkout the application insights in AppDynamics:
Checkout the infrastructure insights in Intersight:
Execute the tfiksremove workspace to remove all the entities created in AppDynamics.
Due to a known error, you will have to manually delete the IKSChaiStore application from AppDynamics to complete the cleanup:
Destroy the TFCB workspaces in this order:
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