Use Case
Intersight Target configuration for AppDynamics and on prem entities
Provision infrastructure and deploy App services with AppDynamics instrumentation
Step 1: Importing ICO template for App Services Deployment and Instrumentation
Step 2: Importing ICO template for App Services Load Generation
Step 3: Setup AppdGlobal Variables
Step 4: Setup AppdInfra Variables
Step 5: Setup AppdDb Variables
Step 6: Setup AppdSaas Variables
Step 7: Setup AppdRbac Variables
Step 8: Setup AppdApp Variables
Step 9: Setup AppdLoad Variables
Step 10: Execute ICO template for App Services Deployment and Instrumentation
Step 11: Execute ICO template for App Services Load Generation
Step 12: View AppDynamics Insights
Undeploy applications and deprovision infrastructure
As a DevOps and App developer, use ICO (Intersight Cloud Orchestrator) to enable existing Java/Tomcat Micro services for AppDynamics Insights
As DevOps and App Developer, use Intersight and AppDynamics to view app and infrastructure insights for Full Stack Observability
This use case addresses the second flow in the below diagram:
The VM template that you provision in Step 5 below will have a ubuntu image and user "root/Cisco123" provisioned with sudo privileges. Terraform scripts will use this user credentials to remotely run installation scripts in the VM.
Sign up for a user account on You will need Premier license as well as IWO license to complete this use case.
Sign up for a TFCB (Terraform for Cloud Business) at Log in and generate the User API Key. You will need this when you create the TF Cloud Target in Intersight.
You will need access to a vSphere infrastructure with backend compute and storage provisioned
You will also need an account in AppDynamics SAAS Controller and should have the API Client ID and Client Secret.
You will need to have some minimal knowledge of Intersight ICO. Please review tutorials on Youtube as well as the following:
You have cloned the following git repositories. Keep the repo names as indicated below:
AppdGlobal -
AppdInfra -
AppdDb -
AppdSaas -
AppdRbac -
AppdApp -
AppdLoad -
You will log into your Intersight account and create the following targets. Please refer to Intersight docs for details on how to create these Targets:
TFC Cloud
TFC Cloud Agent - When you claim the TF Cloud Agent, please make sure you have the following added to your Managed Hosts. This is in addition to other local subnets you may have that hosts your kubernetes cluster like the IPPool that you may configure for your k8s addressing:
NO_PROXY URL's listed:
Clone the following github repo to get the ICO template:
Import the template ** Exportlegacy.json ** in Intersight:
Review the worflows imported. The workflows leverage IST/TFCB Git repos referenced in Step 2 here:
In short:
SetupLegacyWorkspaces - Sets up the TFCB workspaces for AppdGlobal, AppdDb, AppdInfra, AppdSaas, AppdRbac, AppdApp, AppdLoad, AppdRemove. Details of what these workspaces are used for is enumerated here:
UpdateLegacyWorkspaceVars - Updates the variables for the TFCB workspaces
InvokeLegacyPlansBase - Sets up the infrastructure components
InvokeLegacyApps - Installs the Apps with AppDynamics instrumentation
Import the template ** ExportOnlyLoad.json ** in Intersight:
Review the worflows imported:
This workflow spins up a VM and runs the application load generator.
In Intersight, you will set up the data specific to your environment in this step.
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdGlobal Variables Task:
Add the following variables, the data will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
vsphere_user - TBD(eg. administrator@vsphere.local)
vm_memory - TBD(eg. 8192)
nbrapm - TBD(eg. 8)
nbrma - TBD(eg. 1)
nbrsim - TBD(eg. 1)
nbrnet(eg. 0)
vm_cpu - TBD(eg. 4)
vm_count - TBD (eg. 1)
appport - TBD(eg. 8085)
vsphere_server - TBD(eg.
datacenter - TBD(eg. Piso14-Lab)
resource_pool - TBD(eg. ccmsuite)
datastore_name - TBD(eg. CCPHXM4)
network_name - TBD(eg. vm-network-6)
template_name - TBD(eg. ubuntu-tmp)
vm_folder - TBD(eg. terraform)
vm_prefix - TBD(eg. terraform-)
vm_domain - TBD(eg.
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdGlobal Variables Sensitive Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
root_password - use "root"
mysql_pass - TBD
vsphere_password - TBD
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdInfra Variables Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
globalwsname - AppdGlobal
dbvmwsname - AppdDb
org - TBD (eg. Lab14)
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdDb Variables Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
globalwsname - AppdGlobal
org - TBD (eg. Lab14)
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdSaas Variables Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
appname - TBD (eg. MasalaChaiStore)
javaver -
infraver -
machinever -
ibmver -
url - TBD (eg.
zerover -
Add the following sensitive variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
clientid - TBD
clientsecret - TBD
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdRbac Variables Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
appvmwsname - AppdInfra
saaswsname - AppdSaas
globalwsname - AppdGlobal
org - TBD (eg. Lab14)
Open Orchestration-> UpdateLegacyVars->Add AppdApp Variables Task:
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
appvmwsname - AppdInfra
dbvmwsname - AppdDb
globalwsname - AppdGlobal
org - TBD (eg. Lab14)
Add the following variables, TBD's will be as it applies to your own specific environment:
appvmwsname - AppdInfra
trigcount - 20
globalwsname - AppdGlobal
org - TBD (eg. Lab14)
You will be prompted for the following data:
Pick up the Agent Pool ID and token from your TFCB account
Scroll down and enter your github repo ID's:
Wait for execution to complete successfully:
Access application with VM IP:
Checkout the application insights in AppDynamics:
Checkout the infrastructure insights in Intersight:
Execute the AppdRemove workspace to remove all the entities created in AppDynamics.
Due to a known error, you will have to manually delete the MasalaChaiStore application from AppDynamics to complete the cleanup:
ICO Workflows do not support deleting TFCB workspaces at this time. So, we will have to terminate and clean up leveraging TFCB.
Destroy the TFCB workspaces in this order:
AppDynamicsIntersightProgramming Languages
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