
Cisco CXTM Postman Collection

This repo contains a Postman collection and simple environment that can be used to learn and interact with Cisco's CX Test Manager (CXTM) REST API. The collection contains the REST API calls and optional queries that map to the Swagger API documentation.


The Postman collection and environment will need:

  • Postman 8.7.0+
  • CXTM 21.5.5+

Getting Started

Once you install Postman, follow the steps below to import the collection and environment:


  • If you do not already have Postman installed, you can download and install it here.

Clone Repo

  1. git clone this repository

Import Environment & Collections

  1. Launch Postman
  2. Click File then click Import in the dropdown
  3. In the Postman Import pop-up box, click Upload Files
  4. Browse to the location where you cloned this repo
  5. Shift-click both the files below to add them:
    • Cisco-CXTM.postman_collection.json
    • Cisco-CXTM.postman_environment.json


  1. In Postman, in the left navigation pane, click Environments
  2. Locate and click on the Cisco-CXTM environment
  3. Update the cxtm_url variable with the URL for your CXTM instance
  4. Update the cxtm_api_key variable with your CXTM API Key
  5. In the left navigation pane, click on Collections
  6. Ensure you select the Cisco-CXTM environment (top-right corner dropdown)
  7. Expand the collection titled Cisco-CXTM
  8. Start making CXTM REST API calls

Environment Variables

In some instances, POST methods in particular, Javascript tests have been included as part of the API request to populate environment variables. These tests will add the variables automatically to your environment variables list for use in subsequent API requests. These can be overridden in the environment settings where you updated your CXTM URL and CXTM API Key.

Note: In case your instance of CXTM has a self signed certificate, please make sure you disable SSL certificate verification in Postman's settings.
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  • Owner

  • Contributors

    +1Github contributor
  • Categories

  • Programming Languages

  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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