Cisco DNA Center - Assign Network Devices to Site
Dynamically create and assign sites and devices using Cisco DNA Center APIs
- Obtain the Device to Site Mapping
- Source is a JSON file
- Get Site and Device information
- Assign Network Device to Site
- Ready for Cisco DNA Center Automation and Assurance
Getting Started
Use the following command to create your sites in Cisco DNA Center. Sites are defined in site-info.json file:
python site-info.json
After you've succesfully setup your sites, you can start assigning devices to sites. Device to site assignment is defined in device-to-site.json file. Run the command below once ready:
python device-to-site.json
Note: You change the controller credentials either through environment variables or by editing the file
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Use Case
This code prepares devices for Cisco DNA Center Automation and Assurance by automating the process of assigning devices to sites. You create a JSON file that defines sites within your network, and then create a second JSON file that maps a device serial number to a site name.