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DNAC Prometheus Exporter

This repository is reference source code for a Prometheus Data Exporter for DNAC.


  1. Node version v8.11.2 or beyond recommended. (Tested with node v 8.11.2)
  2. Docker 18.09.2 or beyond recommended. (Tested with docker docker-compose should be available.
  3. Bash shell for helper scripts

Configuration & Run

All parameters are mandatory

./ admin admin_password


Browse http://localhost:9000/metrics whether metrics are seen
Browse http://localhost:9090 and check whether metrics with dnac_ are exported.
If the metrics are present, execute queries and examine results and graphs.


Console logs should indicate if there are issues in starting up docker or node.
For checking prometheus and scraper connectivity check browser http://localhost:9090 -> Status -> Targets.

Licensing info

BSD 3 license

Credits and references


Use Case

Customers using Prometheus monitoring or other external monitoring solutions may need Cisco DNA Center metrics included in their monitoring. This code is an exporter tool that that acts as a broker, translating Cisco DNA Center metrics and feeding them to the monitoring tool. This code can be extended to other systems besides Cisco DNA Center.

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