Sample App - Cisco DNA Spaces SDK for IOS
This sample App implements the main methods of the Cisco DNA Spaces SDK. Feel free to use its code to build your own application.
App features
Initialization: Initialization is done via the registerSDK method
Initial screen: allows associating the user’s identity to the CIsco DNA Spaces backend. For exemplification purpose, the App implements the three forms of the associateUser method (Server Auth Code based, Webview based and UserId based). In a real application, only one of these methods will be used.
Profile installation: Once the user is associated, the installProfile method is called to deploy the profile. From that moment, the device is able automatically connect to a WiFi network that is part of the OpenRoaming federation (a OpenRoaming network is available at the device WiFi settings).
Usage statistics: Once the user has been associated and the profile installed, the sample App displays a screen with the user’s usage statistics (getUsageStatistic method).
Other features: The Usage screen also features the Account button. Selecting this button, a screen is presented from which the user can:
Modify the options regarding privacy (getPrivacySettings and setPrivacySettings methods are implemented) and receive or not push notification (associatePushIdentifier and dissociatePushIdentifier methods are implemented)
Update his/her account data (getUserDetails and updateUserDetails methods are implemented)
Uninstall the profile, which will also disassociate the user identity (deleteUserAccount or deleteProfile method)
Display the last push notification received, if any.
Cisco DNA Spaces SDK
This Sample App is already prepared to download an integrate Cisco DNA Spaces SDK XCFramework as described here: No further action is required related to this. Refer to the Cisco DNA Spaces SDK git hub for instructions on how to integrate the SDK XCFramewlrk to your app.
How to download and prepare the environment to use the Sample App
- Install IDE for Swift language (Xcode version 12 is required)
- Install CocoaPods (package manager)
- Download the sample App code
- Go to OpenRoaming folder in terminal and execute cocoapod install command
- Open App.xcworkspace (white icon)
- Build and Run the project
- If you have chosen to run on a simulator, some features may not work, such as connecting to wi-fi for example.