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DNA Center Assurance Event Handler

This repo is an example of how to write a simple event handler for DNA Center Assurance (Events and Health)

This sample is written as a simple Microservice which uses the Serverless Framework


Geting Started:

There are two modes in which this application can be run.

  • Run locally in your network or
  • On AWS Lambda


Install Serverless Framework

npm install -g serverless

Clone this Repository

git clone

Install nodejs dependencies

npm i

Local Development

sls offline start 

AWS Lambda Deployment

  1. Setup AWS access key and secret key

In the command prompt of the shell

  1. Deployment
sls deploy        # deploy to AWS Lambda for the first time

or if it is already deployed:

sls deploy function -f app  # deploy code to AWS Lambda
  1. Check Logs
sls logs -f app -t


Start the server using the command:

$ sls offline start

Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/ap-southeast-1.

Serverless: Routes for app:
Serverless: ANY /
Serverless: ANY /{proxy*}

Serverless: Offline listening on http://localhost:3000

The WebHook is now running port 3000

There are 2 endpoints that this service exposes:

  1. /v1/rules (
  2. /v1/events (


Rule are very simple instructions written in Javascript format. Use curl to send a POST req using the sample RULE provided for reference in the file

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @SampleRule.json

Rule will be evaluated in a context where this is the event passed to the rule for evaluation. Using this to reference a field in event, like:

  • this.severity
  • this.priority
  • this.connectedDevice[0].hostname


You can simulate the event to your Webhook with curl using the sample Event provided for reference in the file

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @SampleEvent.json
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