
NSO is a top-notch tool for automating and orchestrating network services across both physical and virtual elements. NSO supports hundreds of devices from various network and infrastructure vendors.

The NSO Reservable Sandbox provides a hands-on experience with NSO APIs and network automation package development.

On this repository, you can find the files and configuration that are used to build the NSO containers for the Sandbox.


This repository does not contain any NSO containers or NED artifacts. You can get a free trial of the NSO container on Download Your NSO Free Trial Installer and Cisco NEDs, click on the link and look for files with container-image-prod, then pick your architecture.

You can find the NSO Reservable Sandbox here.

Building and Running

This repository contains all the files that are needed to build the image. To build and run a container, follow these steps:

  • Set the NSO version by updating the NSO_VERSION environment variable in the sandbox_env_vars file.
  • Change nso-devnet/reservable-sandbox to the desired tag name for the built image.
  • Replace cisco-nso/cisco-nso-prod with the base image name of the NSO container that you downloaded.


Use your IDE search capabilities to find all the occurrence of the names across the repo.



The Makefile on the root of the project handles the necessary Docker commands.

To build the initial container, run:

make build

Working using Make

Start and watch the NSO logs using run and follow. This is useful when working with the NSO startup.

make run follow

Press Ctrl + C To stop the Docker log command (used by the follow make entry).

To enter the container, run:

make cli

Working using Dev Containers

You can use dev containers to interact directly with NSO through your IDE. VS Code opens your environment inside the NSO container along with the terminal.

On macOS, follow these steps:

  1. Press Cmd + p
  2. Type > rebuild and reopen in container

VS Code opens a new window, install extensions, and configure itself to work with NSO. See the configuration used in the devcontainer.json file.


The credentials used developer/C1sco12345 on the containers are hardcoded. This ensures that the containers always have the same credentials, which in the Sandbox environment is desired for educational purposes.


For production, never hard code credentials.

The container runs as the developer user without any root privileges. Note that sudo is not installed.

Adding NEDs

Copy your NEDs' signed.bin file (for example, ncs-6.2.3-cisco-ios-6.106.5.signed.bin) to the NEDs' directory.

The script setup_add_neds unpacks and adds the NEDs to the Docker image at build time. It runs automatically.

For more information, see the NEDs Readme.


A router package example is included as a starting point.

We added a third-party package rest-api-explorer to the NSO containers. You can add it as well if desired. This package helps with REST APIs by providing a Swagger GUI (only works with Chrome).

For more information, see the Package Readme.


On the containers, to enable ssh work as non-root, PAM Auth is enabled.

Learn More

To learn more about the official NSO container, see the Containerized NSO documentation.

Explore additional content for working with the NSO container.

Start experimenting with the NSO reservable Sandbox.

Need Help?

If you have questions, feel free to ask on the NSO Developer Hub.


Memory changes

We tweaked the VM used by the Sandbox to prevent the Linux Out Of Memory Killer terminating NSO unexpectedly. This is documented on the Containerized NSO documentation, under NSO System Dump and Disable Memory Overcommit.

We Added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf.

vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100

Resulting in:

developer@ubuntu:~$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
[sudo] password for developer:
developer@ubuntu:~$ tail -4 /etc/sysctl.conf

vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100
developer@ubuntu:~$ sudo sysctl -p
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100
developer@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
developer@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio
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