
This repo is a derivative of the full CI/CD Pipeline described in the sdwan-devops aimed just at daily operational tasks. It is based on the Cisco SD-WAN Ansible Modules.

Cloning this repository

The repository contains the Cisco SD-WAN Ansible Modules as a submodule. To clone the repo with the submodule:

git clone --recursive


  • ansible
  • requests

Installing requirements with pip

pip install -r requirements.txt


These playbooks all take the following extra-vars:

  • vmanage_host: The IP address or DNS name of vmanage
  • vmanage_user: User with adminsitrator privileges on vmanage
  • vmanage_password: Password for the user specified

Note: These vars can also be set in inventory

Device Facts

Display facts about the devices in vmanage (e.g. controllers, out of sync edges, free devices, etc.). This can be
used as the basis for other playbooks

ansible-playbook device-facts.yml -e vmanage_host= -e vmanage_user=admin -e vmanage_password=admin

Export/Import Policy

The following playbooks will export both templates and policy from vmanage in there entirety into a JSON file. In addition, they will import
both templates and policy from a JSON file into vmanage, adding only the templates and/or policy that is not already present (i.e. idempotent)

Extra Vars:

  • file: the name of the file to either export to or import from.

Export Templates from vmanage

ansible-playbook export-templates.yml -e vmanage_host= -e vmanage_user=admin -e vmanage_password=admin

Export Policy from vmanage

ansible-playbook export-policy.yml -e vmanage_host= -e vmanage_user=admin -e vmanage_password=admin

Import Templates to vmanage

ansible-playbook import-templates.yml -e vmanage_host= -e vmanage_user=admin -e vmanage_password=admin

Import Policy to vmanage

ansible-playbook import-policy.yml -e vmanage_host= -e vmanage_user=admin -e vmanage_password=admin
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