RBAC based on Resource Groups feature using APIs

Table of Contents


Python 3.8+


Creating Python virtual environment

python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate

Clone the Git Repo:

    git clone https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/sdwan_rbac_res_group

Install python package requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment variables

export vmanage_host=IP/FQDN
export vmanage_port=port
export vmanage_username=username
export vmanage_password=password

    export vmanage_host=
    export vmanage_port=8443
    export vmanage_username=admin
    export vmanage_password=pocadmin


Python script to execute below REST API calls for showcasing the RBAC based on Resource Groups feature.

Feature Overview

For large SD-WAN deployments, this feature helps to simplify the network administration, restrict blast perimeter, and meet compliance requirements.

Resource consists of Devices/Sites and Templates.

Resource Groups are groupings of resources based on continents/countries/regions/cities/areas etc.



Demo Lab Topology


Script overview

  $ ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py

Usage: rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Command line tool for monitoring Cisco SD-WAN solution components.

Options: --help Show this message and exit.

Commands: create-banner-ft-user create banner feature template for user. create-resource-group Create Resource Group. create-user Create User. delete-resource-group Delete Resource Group. delete-user Delete User. device-list-user Get network devices list for RG admin. get-device-list Get network devices list for global admin. get-nd-ft-user Get non-default feature templates list for user. get-rg-list Get Resource Group list for global admin. get-user-list Get user list for global admin. modify-ft-resource-group Modify Feature template resource group.

View List of Devices, Users and Resource-Groups

Global Admin: View Devices list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-device-list

Retrieving the devices for global admin.


│ Host-Name     │ Device Type   │ Device ID                                │ System IP   │   Site ID │ Device Model    │
│ vManage       │ vmanage       │ f87f01dc-c662-464e-9982-5c11d67ed050     │     │         1 │ vmanage         │
│ vSmart-1      │ vsmart        │ 7767c213-8862-4eb8-98a7-97e57407789c     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vSmart-2      │ vsmart        │ 431234c6-4027-4137-a24f-fadaf7a7b1f4     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vBond         │ vbond         │ 52a667e7-85a3-4f83-b469-208613d185cd     │     │         1 │ vedge-cloud     │
│ CSRSD-WAN-New │ vedge         │ CSR-13C1E07F-88DC-4BD2-98C8-CFFE80B836C4 │     │       400 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │
│ Site100-cE1   │ vedge         │ CSR-C2F64427-7D0B-48CD-8D49-A27924ED7D1D │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │
│ Site100-cE2   │ vedge         │ CSR-FA7B0A20-10D6-4A69-9F5A-10FDF444989B │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │

Global Admin: View Users list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-user-list

Retrieving the user list for global admin.


│ User-Name   │ User Group   │ Resource Group   │ Description   │
│ admin       │ []           │                  │               │

Global Admin: View Resource-Groups list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-rg-list

Retrieving the Resource Group list for global admin.


│ ID                                   │ Resource Group   │ Site IDs   │ Description                     │
│ 0:RESOURCE_GROUPNode:1615229358903:2 │ global           │ []         │ System defined group for global │

Create Resource Groups and Resource Group Admins, Verify

Global Admin: Create two Resource-Groups

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-resource-group --rg_name "rg_apjc" --rg_desc "APJC Resource Group" --site_ids "100"

Create Resource Group.


{'name': 'rg_apjc', 'desc': 'APJC Resource Group', 'siteIds': ['100']}

Successfully created resource group (200)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-resource-group --rg_name "rg_amer" --rg_desc "Americas Resource Group" --site_ids "400"

    Create Resource Group.


    {'name': 'rg_amer', 'desc': 'Americas Resource Group', 'siteIds': ['400']}

    Successfully created resource group (200)

Global Admin: View Resource-Groups list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-rg-list

Retrieving the Resource Group list for global admin.


│ ID                                     │ Resource Group   │ Site IDs   │ Description                     │
│ 0:RESOURCE_GROUPNode:1615229358903:2   │ global           │ []         │ System defined group for global │
│ 0:RESOURCE_GROUPNode:1621946187787:109 │ rg_apjc          │ [100]      │ APJC Resource Group             │
│ 0:RESOURCE_GROUPNode:1621946207551:111 │ rg_amer          │ [400]      │ Americas Resource Group         │

Global Admin: Create two Users

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-user --u_name "admin_apjc" --u_pass "admin_apjc_pass" --u_desc "Admin for APJC" --u_group "resource_group_admin" --r_group "rg_apjc"

Create User.


{'userName': 'admin_apjc', 'password': 'admin_apjc_pass', 'description': 'Admin for APJC', 'resGroupName': 'rg_apjc', 'group': ['resource_group_admin']}

Successfully created user (200)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-user --u_name "admin_amer" --u_pass "admin_amer_pass" --u_desc "Admin for Americas" --u_group "resource_group_admin" --r_group "rg_amer"

    Create User.


    {'userName': 'admin_amer', 'password': 'admin_amer_pass', 'description': 'Admin for Americas', 'resGroupName': 'rg_amer', 'group': ['resource_group_admin']}

    Successfully created user (200)

Global Admin: View Users list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-user-list

Retrieving the user list for global admin.


│ User-Name   │ User Group               │ Resource Group   │ Description        │
│ admin       │ []                       │                  │                    │
│ admin_amer  │ ['resource_group_admin'] │ rg_amer          │ Admin for Americas │
│ admin_apjc  │ ['resource_group_admin'] │ rg_apjc          │ Admin for APJC     │


Global Admin: Delete User and Resource-Group
  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py delete-user --u_name testuser

./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py delete-resource-group --rg_id "<id>"

Verify Device access for Global Admin and Resource Group Admins

Global Admin: View Devices list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-device-list

Retrieving the devices for global admin.


│ Host-Name     │ Device Type   │ Device ID                                │ System IP   │   Site ID │ Device Model    │
│ vManage       │ vmanage       │ f87f01dc-c662-464e-9982-5c11d67ed050     │     │         1 │ vmanage         │
│ vSmart-1      │ vsmart        │ 7767c213-8862-4eb8-98a7-97e57407789c     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vSmart-2      │ vsmart        │ 431234c6-4027-4137-a24f-fadaf7a7b1f4     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vBond         │ vbond         │ 52a667e7-85a3-4f83-b469-208613d185cd     │     │         1 │ vedge-cloud     │
│ CSRSD-WAN-New │ vedge         │ CSR-13C1E07F-88DC-4BD2-98C8-CFFE80B836C4 │     │       400 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │
│ Site100-cE1   │ vedge         │ CSR-C2F64427-7D0B-48CD-8D49-A27924ED7D1D │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │
│ Site100-cE2   │ vedge         │ CSR-FA7B0A20-10D6-4A69-9F5A-10FDF444989B │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │

Observe that all Devices are accessible.

Resoruce Group Admin APJC: View Devices list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py device-list-user --username admin_apjc --password admin_apjc_pass

Retrieving the devices for specified user.


│ Host-Name   │ Device Type   │ Device ID                                │ System IP   │   Site ID │ Device Model    │
│ vManage     │ vmanage       │ f87f01dc-c662-464e-9982-5c11d67ed050     │     │         1 │ vmanage         │
│ vSmart-1    │ vsmart        │ 7767c213-8862-4eb8-98a7-97e57407789c     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vSmart-2    │ vsmart        │ 431234c6-4027-4137-a24f-fadaf7a7b1f4     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vBond       │ vbond         │ 52a667e7-85a3-4f83-b469-208613d185cd     │     │         1 │ vedge-cloud     │
│ Site100-cE1 │ vedge         │ CSR-C2F64427-7D0B-48CD-8D49-A27924ED7D1D │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │
│ Site100-cE2 │ vedge         │ CSR-FA7B0A20-10D6-4A69-9F5A-10FDF444989B │    │       100 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │

Observe that only devices in APJC resource group are accessible.
Devices in Global resource group are also visible, APJC resource group user can only view these devices, but cannot perform any operations on them.

Resoruce Group Admin Americas: View Devices list

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py device-list-user --username admin_amer --password admin_amer_pass

Retrieving the devices for specified user.


│ Host-Name     │ Device Type   │ Device ID                                │ System IP   │   Site ID │ Device Model    │
│ vManage       │ vmanage       │ f87f01dc-c662-464e-9982-5c11d67ed050     │     │         1 │ vmanage         │
│ vSmart-1      │ vsmart        │ 7767c213-8862-4eb8-98a7-97e57407789c     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vSmart-2      │ vsmart        │ 431234c6-4027-4137-a24f-fadaf7a7b1f4     │     │         1 │ vsmart          │
│ vBond         │ vbond         │ 52a667e7-85a3-4f83-b469-208613d185cd     │     │         1 │ vedge-cloud     │
│ CSRSD-WAN-New │ vedge         │ CSR-13C1E07F-88DC-4BD2-98C8-CFFE80B836C4 │     │       400 │ vedge-CSR-1000v │

Observe that only devices in Americas resource group are accessible.
Devices in Global resource group are also visible, Americas resource group user can only view these devices, but cannot perform any operations on them.

Verify Template access for Global Admin and Resource Group Admins

Global Admin: View list of Feature Templates

(Resource Group, createdBy, updateBy)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin --password pocadmin

Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


│ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
│ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


Observe that all feature templates can be seen.
Has full access (edit).

Resoruce Group Admin APJC: View list of Feature Templates

(Resource Group, createdBy, updateBy)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin_apjc --password admin_apjc_pass

Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


│ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
│ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


Observe that all feature templates in Global Resource Group can be seen.
Has Read-only access to these templates.

Resoruce Group Admin Americas: View list of Feature Templates

(Resource Group, createdBy, updateBy)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin_amer --password admin_amer_pass

Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


│ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
│ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
│ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


Observe that all feature templates in Global Resource Group can be seen.
Has Read-only access to these templates.

Create Templates as Resource Group Admins and Global Admin, Verify

Resoruce Group Admin APJC: Create a Banner Feature Template, Verify

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-banner-ft-user --file banner_apjc.yaml --username admin_apjc --password admin_apjc_pass

Creating banner feature template based on yaml file details

Created banner template ID: {'templateId': 'd69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867'}

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin_apjc --password admin_apjc_pass

    Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


    │ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
    │ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


    │ Test_DT_banner_2                                                                │ 40436a3d-8198-4e30-b2d2-a669b94bfab7 │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_apjc                                                         │ d69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867 │                 0 │ rg_apjc         │ admin_apjc  │                 │

All feature templates in Global Resource Group can be seen, Has Read-only access to these templates.
All feature templates in Resource Group APJC can also be seen, Has full access (edit).

Resoruce Group Admin Americas: Create a Banner Feature Template, Verify

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-banner-ft-user --file banner_amer.yaml --username admin_amer --password admin_amer_pass

Creating banner feature template based on yaml file details

Created banner template ID: {'templateId': 'd9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc'}

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin_amer --password admin_amer_pass

    Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


    │ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
    │ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


    │ Test_DT_banner_2                                                                │ 40436a3d-8198-4e30-b2d2-a669b94bfab7 │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_amercas                                                      │ d9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc │                 0 │ rg_amer         │ admin_amer  │                 │

All feature templates in Global Resource Group can be seen, Has Read-only access to these templates.
All feature templates in Resource Group Americas can also be seen, Has full access (edit).

Global Admin: Create a Banner Feature Template, Verify

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py create-banner-ft-user --file banner_global.yaml --username admin --password pocadmin

Creating banner feature template based on yaml file details

Created banner template ID: {'templateId': '18b13329-09e0-4158-a282-fe500ccbc6ad'}

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin --password pocadmin

    Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


    │ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
    │ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


    │ Test_DT_banner_2                                                                │ 40436a3d-8198-4e30-b2d2-a669b94bfab7 │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_apjc                                                         │ d69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867 │                 0 │ rg_apjc         │ admin_apjc  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_amercas                                                      │ d9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc │                 0 │ rg_amer         │ admin_amer  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_global                                                       │ 18b13329-09e0-4158-a282-fe500ccbc6ad │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │

All feature templates can be seen, Has full access (edit).
All feature templates in Resource Group APJC and Americas also can also be seen, Has full access (edit).

Change Template Resource Group and Verify

NOTE: Template must NOT be attached to any device. Else, modification not allowed.

Global Admin: Change Resource Group of Feature Template in APJC Resource Group, to global. Verify.

(get template ID from get-nd-ft-user)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py modify-ft-resource-group --ft_id "<id>" --r_group "global"

 ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py modify-ft-resource-group --ft_id "d69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867" --r_group "global"

Changing Resource Group for specified Feature Template.


Successfully changed Resource Group for template (200)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin --password pocadmin

    Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


    │ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
    │ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


    │ Test_DT_banner_2                                                                │ 40436a3d-8198-4e30-b2d2-a669b94bfab7 │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_apjc                                                         │ d69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867 │                 0 │ global          │ admin_apjc  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_amercas                                                      │ d9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc │                 0 │ rg_amer         │ admin_amer  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_global                                                       │ 18b13329-09e0-4158-a282-fe500ccbc6ad │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │

Global Admin: Change Resource Group of Feature Template in Americas Resource Group, to APJC. Verify.

(get template ID from get-nd-ft-user)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py modify-ft-resource-group --ft_id "<id>" --r_group "rg_apjc"

./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py modify-ft-resource-group --ft_id "d9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc" --r_group "rg_apjc"

Changing Resource Group for specified Feature Template.


Successfully changed Resource Group for template (200)

  ./rbac_based_on_resgroups_using_api.py get-nd-ft-user --username admin --password pocadmin

    Retrieving the non-default feature templates for specified user.


    │ templateName                                                                    │ templateId                           │   devicesAttached │ resourceGroup   │ createdBy   │ lastUpdatedBy   │
    │ OMP_DC                                                                          │ 12d40f5b-f753-4c85-990e-b65bae15ceae │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN10                                                                   │ f929576d-fac9-4e1f-8c4a-484591da6b1a │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN11                                                                   │ 5a00c230-65b9-4b82-adbf-63e9323953e7 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OSPF_DC_VPN12                                                                   │ 394b91fa-ff1e-448a-be42-e495df4d8dc8 │                 2 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ OMP_Branches                                                                    │ 182662c3-5c49-4c80-acb9-9ad99ecc7d8a │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


    │ Test_DT_banner_2                                                                │ 40436a3d-8198-4e30-b2d2-a669b94bfab7 │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_apjc                                                         │ d69aa190-bb9d-44d1-b495-10120543f867 │                 0 │ global          │ admin_apjc  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_amercas                                                      │ d9b755bf-7678-4200-b4a6-40b4780f5ccc │                 0 │ rg_apjc         │ admin_amer  │                 │
    │ vedge_cloud_banner_global                                                       │ 18b13329-09e0-4158-a282-fe500ccbc6ad │                 0 │ global          │ admin       │                 │


Same for Device Template also.

POST: /dataservice/template/device/resource-group/{new-rg}/{template-id}


GNU General Public License v3.0

Use Case

RBAC based on Resource Groups feature using SD-WAN APIs

Role-Based Access Control Groups

For large SD-WAN deployments, this feature helps to simplify the network administration, restrict blast perimeter, and meet compliance requirements.Resource consists of Devices/Sites and Templates. Resource Groups are groupings of resources based on continents/countries/regions/cities/areas etc.

Configure User Access and Authentication

Cisco SD-WAN Systems and Interfaces Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 17.x Configure User Access and Authentication

DevNet Reservable SD-WAN Sandbox

DevNet Reservable SD-WAN Sandbox

RBAC based on Resource Groups feature using SD-WAN APIs

Role-Based Access Control Groups

For large SD-WAN deployments, this feature helps to simplify the network administration, restrict blast perimeter, and meet compliance requirements.Resource consists of Devices/Sites and Templates. Resource Groups are groupings of resources based on continents/countries/regions/cities/areas etc.

Configure User Access and Authentication

Cisco SD-WAN Systems and Interfaces Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 17.x Configure User Access and Authentication

DevNet Reservable SD-WAN Sandbox

DevNet Reservable SD-WAN Sandbox

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