

Produces a HTML report detailing user-related activity in Webex messaging for a given date range.

The user can input a Webex access token, start-, and end-dates. The application will download messages from all rooms where the user was active - based on sent messages, @mentions, @ALL mentions or direct messages - then compile
an HTML report providing a readout of the rooms and their messages for the requested period.


  • Message and user data can optionally be persisted (via SQLite)
  • Message formatting/CSS is similar to the Webex web client
  • Configurable room/message selection criteria
  • Time zone aware

Uses the following components/technologies:

Tested using:

  • OS: Ubuntu Linux 19.04
  • Python: 3.7.3
  • Firefox: 69

Webex for Developers Site

Getting started

  • Install Python 3.7+

    On Windows, choose the option to add to PATH environment variable

  • The project was built/tested using Visual Studio Code

    On first launch of VS Code, install the Python plugin

  • Clone this repo to a directory on your PC:

    git clone https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webex-messaging-activity-report-sample.git
  • Dependency Installation:

    cd webex-messaging-activity-report-sample
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Open the project in VS Code:

    code .
  • Visit http://developer.webex.com, login, navigate to Documentation / Getting Started and copy your personal access token

  • In Visual Studio Code:

    • OPTIONAL - edit config.py to set credentials and preferences (be sure to save)

    • Press F5 to run the application

    • Enter your access token and start/end dates

View code on GitHub

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