
published Run in Cisco Cloud IDE

Understand NETCONF/YANG and build your first NETCONF client with Python to interwork with IOS-XR

Use Case Description

This laboratory comes with a Jupyter lab for practising the NETCONF functionalities of Cisco IOS XR. A set of Docker containers is used for collecting and monitoring model-driven telemetry data, as traffic is being generated.



  • Python 3
  • Ncclient library
  • Jupyter lab
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Iperf
  • IOS XR


  1. Deploy the stack of containers for monitoring of telemetry data by following these instructions.

  2. Load the Traffic Monitoring dashboard in Chronograf.


The details for the connection and authentication to the IOS XR can be found in the workshop-configuration.ini file.

This laboratory assumes the following:

  • the host of the Jupyter lab and the docker containers is and is a Linux host
  • the Jupyter notebook is exposed on port 8443
  • the Chronograf web application is exposed on port 8888
  • the IOS XR is reachable at with username cisco and password cisco
  • the Linux host has Iperf installed on it
  • the IOS XR has Iperf installed on it
  • the IOS XR has the following configuration:
    telemetry model-driven
     destination-group DGroup1
      address-family ipv4 port 57777
       encoding self-describing-gpb
       protocol grpc no-tls
     sensor-group SGroupGeneric1
      sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-oper:interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view
     subscription Subscription1
      sensor-group-id SGroupGeneric1 strict-timer
      sensor-group-id SGroupGeneric1 sample-interval 10000
      destination-id DGroup1
     vrf default
      address-family ipv4
       update-source dataports Loopback0
    netconf-yang agent
    interface Loopback0
     ipv4 address


Access the lab at

Start with the workshop lab.
To run a section of the laboratory, select the cell and press Shift+Enter.

How to test the software

This laboratory was tested in an environment that had the following software installed:

Software version
python 3.6.8
ncclient 0.6.6
jupyter lab 1.2.3
docker 19.03.5
docker-compose 1.23.2
iperf (server) 2.0.5
iperf (client) 2.0.13
IOS XR 7.0.x

Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please create an issue against this repository.

Getting involved

Feedback, bug fixes and feature enhancements or additions are encouraged. Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for more information.


This project was written and is maintained by the following individuals:

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