ciscoisesdk is a community developed Python library for working with the Identity Services Engine APIs. Our goal is to make working with Cisco Identity Services Engine in Python a native and natural experience!
from ciscoisesdk import IdentityServicesEngineAPI from ciscoisesdk.exceptions import ApiError # Create a IdentityServicesEngineAPI connection object; # it uses ISE custom URL, username, and password, with ISE API version 3.2_beta # and its API Gateway enabled, # verify=True to verify the server's TLS certificate # with debug logs disabled # and without using the CSRF token api = IdentityServicesEngineAPI(username='admin', password='C1sco12345', uses_api_gateway=True, base_url='', version='3.2_beta', verify=True, debug=False, uses_csrf_token=False) # NOTE: This collection assumes that the ERS APIs and OpenAPIs are enabled. # Get allowed protocols (first page) search_result = api.allowed_protocols.get_all().response.SearchResult if search_result and search_result.resources: for resource in search_result.resources: resource_detail = api.allowed_protocols.get_by_id( ).response.AllowedProtocols print("Id {}\nName {}\nallowChap {}\n".format(,, resource_detail.allowChap)) print("----------") # Handle pagination with a generator allowed_protols_gen = api.allowed_protocols.get_all_generator() for allowed_protocols_page_resp in allowed_protols_gen: allowed_protols_result = allowed_protocols_page_resp.response.SearchResult for resource in allowed_protols_result.resources: resource_detail = api.allowed_protocols.get_by_id( ).response.AllowedProtocols print("Id {}\nName {}\nallowChap {}\n".format(,, resource_detail.allowChap)) # Create network device try: network_device_response = api.network_device.create( name='ISE_EST_Local_Host_19', network_device_iplist=[{"ipaddress": "", "mask": 32}]) print("Created, new Location {}".format(network_device_response.headers.Location)) except ApiError as e: print(e) # Filter network device device_list_response = api.network_device.get_all(filter='name.EQ.ISE_EST_Local_Host_19') device_responses = device_list_response.response.SearchResult.resources if len(device_responses) > 0: device_response = device_responses[0] # Get network device detail device_response_detail = api.network_device.get_by_id( # Advance usage example using Custom Caller functions ## Define a Custom caller named function ## Call them with: ## get_created_result(network_device_response.headers.Location) def get_created_result(location): return api.custom_caller.call_api('GET', location) ## Define the get_created_result function ## under the custom_caller wrapper. ## Call them with: ## api.custom_caller.get_created_result(network_device_response.headers.Location) def setup_custom(): api.custom_caller.add_api('get_created_result', lambda location: api.custom_caller.call_api('GET', location) ) # Add the custom API calls to the connection object under the custom_caller wrapper setup_custom() # Call the newly added functions created_device_1 = get_created_result(network_device_response.headers.Location) created_device_2 = api.custom_caller.get_created_result(network_device_response.headers.Location) print(created_device_1.response == created_device_2.response) if len(device_responses) > 0: device_response = device_responses[0] # Delete network device delete_device = api.network_device.delete_by_id(
Installing and upgrading ciscoisesdk is easy:
Install via PIP
$ pip install ciscoisesdk
Upgrading to the latest Version
$ pip install ciscoisesdk --upgrade
The following table shows the supported versions.
Cisco ISE version | Python "ciscoisesdk" version |
3.1.0 | 1.2.0 |
3.1_Patch_1 | 2.0.12 |
3.2_beta | 2.1.2 |
If your SDK is older please consider updating it first.
Excellent documentation is now available at:
Check out the Quickstart to dive in and begin using ciscoisesdk.
Please see the releases page for release notes on the incremental functionality and bug fixes incorporated into the published releases.
ciscoisesdk is a community developed and community supported project. If you experience any issues using this package, please report them using the issues page.
ciscoisesdk is a community development projects. Feedback, thoughts, ideas, and code contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing guide for more information.
This library is inspired by the webexteamssdk library
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG file.
The development team may make additional name changes as the library evolves with the ISE APIs.
Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
Identity Services Engine (ISE)Programming Languages
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