

Basic example of a Webex bot that uses Websockets to communicate with the cloud. Great for testing and 'behind the firewall' deployments.

Time to setup: if you have setup a bot and have Python installed you can get this to work in 5-10 minutes.

A Prepare

  • Create a bot (on
  • Download the code (above)
  • Check if you have python: python -V The version should be 3.9 or higher
  • Check if you have pip: python -m pip -V 'pip' is used to install Python libraries

B Create a folder** for the bot and copy the bot files to this folder

  • mkdir webex-bot-ws
  • cd webex-bot-ws
  • copy bot files to this folder (, (When using Pipenv, also copy "Pipfile")

______________ BELOW: C/D/E/F only if you use Pipenv ______________

C Install "Pipenv" (if not installed)

  • Check if you have pipenv: pipenv -V
  • If not, install it: python -m pip install pipenv

D Create Pipfile (or use the provided Pipfile)

  • (Mac) touch Pipfile (or create a file called "Pipfile")
  • Edit Pipfile
  • Paste content below in the Pipfile and save it. The folder now contains 1 file: "Pipfile" and Pipenv is ready to do its job.
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "webex-bot-using-websocket"
uuid = "*"
webexteamssdk = "*"
websockets = "*"
python_version = "3.9"

E Setup virtual environment

  • Pipenv install
  • Based on the Pipfile, this creates a local environment with the required packages.

F Activate the created virtual environment

  • Pipenv shell
  • Your prompt changes to indicate you are in the "isolated" setup.

NOTE: When you start the bot, you need to be in the Pipenv shell. Otherwise, it will not have the right libraries available.
alternatively: type pipenv run python
This directly runs the python code inside the pipenv environment.

______________ ABOVE: C/D/E/F only if you use Pipenv ______________

G Set bot token environment variable


H Run the Bot (Python code)

  • python
  • When the ___Bot_started_____ message appears, test the bot!

I Test the bot

  • Send test to the bot.
  • It should repeat your message.
  • Send hello to the bot. The not should respond differently.


  • Does this work inside the corporate firewall? Yes, it most likely will!

  • I don't want to/can use Websockets check out my alternative solution: Webex Bot using Ngrok

More Webex Development resources?

Article: "Using Websockets with the Webex JavaScript SDK"

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