This Powershell module is a binary Powershell module, meaning it is written and compiled in C# into a DLL file.
To make this Powershell module portable among all platforms, .Net Core v3.0 or higher is required. The C# code targets C# 8.0, and thus must be used with .Net Core v3
You can install the latest version of .Net Core here:
This code is also tested with Powershell Core v7, and is recommended to be used with Powershell Core v7 or higher.
You can get Powershell Core v7 here:
This repo is still a work in progress, and I endeavor to add a new Cmdlet every other day. Add, Set, and Delete cmdlets take a little more time to build because of their parameters.
Eventually this repo will be listed on the PSGallery, and will be able to be installed with just Install-Module. Until then, these cmdlets are still usable and can provide value to Powershell users.
Sample code works like so: Clone the repo to a folder of your desire
mkdir MerakiPosh
cd MerakiPosh
git clone
Now navigate into the newly cloned folder named PwshMerakiSDK
Run dotnet build. Note this was created using .Net Core 3.1 and tested with Powershell Core 7
This compiles all of the .CS files into a DLL which can be imported by Powershell using Import-Module
Launch Powershell
Import the module
Import-Module MerakiPosh/PwshMerakiSDK/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/GetMerakiOrgsCmdlet.dll
View all available Cmdlets with
Get-Command -module GetMerakiOrgsCmdlet
Example: Test your script using the DevNet Sandbox token
The below code will retrieve a list of Orgs, filter it down to the DevNet Sandbox org, then retrieve a list of networks from that org, filter it down to DNSMB3, and then get the list of devices on that network
$token = "6bec40cf957de430a6f1f2baa056b99a4fac9ea0"
Get-MerakiOrgs -Token $token | Where-Object { $ -eq "Devnet Sandbox" } | `
Get-MerakiNets -Token $token | Where-Object { $ -eq "DNSMB3" } | `
Get-MerakiDevices -Token $token
About me
Knox the superman of superthings!
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