
Fetch snapshots from your MV Cameras and build a timelapse from them

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This has been tested on Python 3.9 on Mac OS 12.1

How to use:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Edit the file
  • Add your API_Key under API_KEY
  • Add the Camera you're looking to work with under CAMERA_SERIAL
  • Add your timezone under time_zone
  • Set the start date by filling each of the items (year, month, day, hour, minute and second)
  • Set the interval at which you want to fetch snapshots in seconds under lapse_int
  • Set the total time window you're looking at in seconds under lapse_length
  • Set the desired output filename under lapse_file_name
  1. Run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  2. Run "python"

NOTE: The steps above work well for Mac OS, but on Windows you will have to comment out the last line of the script. Then go to the folder where your time lapse images where stored (/lapse), select all of them, do a right-click and then click on Create Movie.


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