The NSO Example Collection

The NSO example collection contains everything from tiny to medium-sized and
trivial to expert-use examples. The example set has an NSO application
developer focus, but many examples lend themselves well to administrators.

Many examples have been added on request or when a new feature was added, not
in a beginner-to-expert order. Therefore, to assist new and expert NSO
application developers and administrators in navigating the example set, the
list below is in the order a typical new NSO user would consume the examples.
In addition, each example in the list below has a summary to assist users of
all experiences find the example they are looking for. Finally, if applicable,
there are pointers to the example described in the NSO documentation.

All Makefiles in the example collection will check for the $NCS_DIR variable.
Thus, the 'ncsrc' file under the NSO local install root directory, where the
$NCS_DIR variable points to, must be sourced before running the examples.

. /path/to/ncs-<ncs-vsn>/ncsrc

Many examples use Netsim to simulate managed devices with northbound interfaces
such as NETCONF, CLI, SNMP, etc.

See each example category README for an overview of each example in that

Suggested Order of Consumption:


Introduction to NSO.


Learn the concepts of NSO device management.


Create, deploy, and manage services.


Implement staged provisioning using nano services.


Optimize NSO for scaling and performance.


Design large and scalable NSO applications using LSA.


Northbound programmatic APIs in NSO: NETCONF, RESTCONF, and SNMP.


Implement redundancy in your deployment.


Python, Java, and Erlang APIs and other ways to extend NSO.


Use NSO's AAA mechanism.


Examples that do not belong to any of the above categories.


Common items used by the examples.

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