Meraki notifier to Webex Teams
This webhook listens to Meraki scanning notifications, and posts messages to a Webex Teams space as known devices are seen/leaving the Meraki SSID.
To run this code, you will need to:
- a Meraki Access Point
- create a scanning Webhook pointing to this code (exposed at a public URL / ngrok)
- create a Teams Space and a Bot token
- update the list of known Mac addresses in people.js
- launch the app with specified env variables (see below)
All set! please reach to your space and wait for notifications to fly in as devices connect

Quick start on Glitch
Then open the .env
file and paste the Webex Teams info: bot's token and space id
You app is now running (with default Meraki settings).
Your app healthcheck is accessible at your webhook public url.
Open the Meraki dashboard, and create a scanning webhook pointing to your webhook URL on glitch.
Tip: add /scanning
to the glitch public URL
Now, update the Meraki entry in .env
with your meraki SSID, secret and validator.
And update the list of known Mac addresses in ./people.js
All set! Connect your device it for notifications to fly in as devices connect
Run locally
For Mac, Linux and bash users, open a terminal and type:
git clone https://github.com/ObjectIsAdvantag/meraki-notifier
cd meraki-notifier
npm install
DEBUG=meraquoi* TEAMS_SPACE=<your-space-id> TEAMS_TOKEN=<your-bot-token> MERAKI_SECRET=CiscoDevNet MERAKI_VALIDATOR=<from-meraki-dashboard> MERAKI_SSID=<your-SSID> node webhook.js
Meraki scanning webhook listening at: 8080
GET / : for health checks
POST /scanning : to receive meraki scanning events node webhook.js
meraquoi:purge cron checking every 1 minute(s), for not seen devices over 10 minute(s) +0ms
meraquoi:purge time to purgeEntries, with 0 devices currently seen +44s
meraquoi new scanning data received: Fri, 05 Apr 2019 08:36:13 GMT +0ms
meraquoi processing payload with: 6 observations +3ms
meraquoi device: 4c:66:41:15:9c:bc, from owner: Stève, detected on SSID: Meraqui +1ms
meraquoi updated last seen time to: 2019-04-05T08:35:04Z, for client: 4c:66:41:15:9c:bc +6ms
For Windows users, open a CMD shell and type:
git clone https://github.com/ObjectIsAdvantag/meraki-notifier
cd smartsheet-to-webex-teams
npm install
set DEBUG=meraquoi*
set TEAMS_SPACE=<your-space-id>
set TEAMS_TOKEN=<your-bot-token>
set MERAKI_VALIDATOR=<from-meraki-dashboard>
node webhook.js
Done, your webhook is live
Let's hit your app's healthcheck!
From the command line, type:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080