Push Commands

This script helps engineers to execute commands on many devices.


This script tested on Linux with python3.7 or higher. (works only on Linux)
The following packages are required:

  • napalm
  • termcolor
  • tabulate
  • simple_term_menu

It's recommended to crate a virtual environment, activate it and then install the packages:

For Linux:

$ git clone https://github.com/Pr1meSuspec7/pushComm.git
$ cd pushcomm
$ python -m venv VENV-NAME
$ source VENV-NAME/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: chose a name for virtual environment and replace the VENV-NAME string

How to use

You have to run the command and follow the interactive menu:

$ python pushcomm.py

This is a sample execution:
NOTE: For this test I used a Cisco Devenet machine CSR1000V (https://developer.cisco.com/)

Next features

  • Save output in a file
  • Select connection protocol (SSH/Telnet)
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    +1Github contributor
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    MIT License

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