Bulk commands
Script to run bulk commands over SSH on a multitude of devices. Can either use a static command or commands, or a file that contains the commands to be executed.
Usage instructions
The bulk_commands
command should be run on the terminal and has the following usage:
usage: bulk_commands [-h] [-c commands | -f command_file] [-m maxthreads] [-n] [-p] [-s filename] [-v] devices [devices ...]
positional arguments:
devices Hostnames or files with a list of hostnames to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c commands, --commands commands
The commands to send to the device
-f command_file, --command_file command_file
A file containing the the commands to send
-m maxthreads, --max_threads maxthreads
How many devices to do concurrent
-n, --no-output Hide the output of the devices from STDIN
-p, --start-at-prompt
Starts the output to the streams as soon as it finds a prompt
-s filename, --save_output filename
File to write the device output to
-v, --verbose The amount of logging to display
To run the show version
command on a multitude of devices:
bulk_commands -c "show version" switch1 switch2 switch3
To run a few commands on a multitude of devices and save them to individual files:
bulk_commands -c "show version; show interface description" -s %h.txt switch1 switch2 switch3
To run a few commands from a file on a multitude of devices, running on 32 devices at the same time:
bulk_commands -f commands.txt -m 32 switch1 switch2 switch3