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Basic script that logs into CUCM using paramiko and pull down health check information. Writes results to text file. Idea to do pre upgrade checks and maintains copy of results for anayalsis before upgrade and for reference post upgrade.

This script requires python
You will need to install the following packages

#Note the following import statements any non basic python libray will need to be installed.
import time
import sys
import threading
from ntpath import basename
import getpass
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import itertools
import paramiko
from paramiko_expect import SSHClientInteraction
import os.path
import requests

  1. Pre 8.0 mode enabled
  2. Cluster securitu mode enable
  3. ITL Errors
  4. CTL Errors
  5. Backup History
  6. Any Crash files
  7. Any NTP Issues
  8. Dbreplication status
  9. Cluster Network status - Road Mapped
  10. Network Status
  11. Upgrade status
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  • Owner

  • Contributors

    +1Github contributor
  • Categories

  • Programming Languages

  • License

    MIT License

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