

A Python SDK for Cisco SD-WAN vManage API(20.6.2)

This is a wrapper around Cisco's vManage API. All endpoints in the API are implemented. There's a similar solution provided by Cisco and can be accessed from DevNet website

Also from github

There's a separate repo for a postman collection to use with vManage API. That collection included all endpoints and can be found here

  • Why another solution?

    It's a great way to learn new things by building things.

  • Is it completed or a work-in-progress project?

    This started as a hobby project and still in progress.

  • How can I use this?

    A How-To document will be available after phase-1, which is implementing all the API endpoints, is completed.

  • Contributions?

    Highly appreciated and welcome.

All Endpoints in vManage API are implemented using the vmanage.json file available through vmanage/apidocs page as a reference

How to install using pip

pip install py-viptela

How to Use

  • Clone this repo into your computer.
git clone
  • Change directory to "py-viptela"
cd py-viptela
  • Import vmanage module and initiate an instance, and import any api module
    Required parameters are as follows:
    host: Ip address of the vManage
    port: port to access vmanage
    username: vManage username
    password: vManage password
>>>from py_viptela.vmanage import Vmanage
>>>from py_viptela import api
>>>vmanage = Vmanage(host='', port=443, username='admin', password='testpassword')

You're ready to make requests using api endpoints.

Example: Get all users from the vManage

>>>users = api.admin.user.findUsers(vmanage)
[{'userName': 'admin', 'locale': 'en_US', 'group': []},
 {'userName': 'dclouddemo',
  'description': 'Administrator',
  'locale': 'en_US',
  'resGroupName': 'global',
  'group': ['netadmin']}]
View code on GitHub

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