
This document provides a step by step guide to integrating the RTSP output from a Meraki MV camera, with a pretrained OpenCV 3.3 dnn module, running SSD Detection on the COCO dataset.

The script shall:

  • launch a local video stream, with a bounding box for detected objects and associated confidence score
  • print to cli the object and confidence score of detected objects
  • publish to an MQTT broker the object and confidence of objects detected, using the topic "python/test"

This was developed and tested using a Macbook Pro. The detection time for objects entering the frame to being reported on the video and MQTT stream is of the order 1.5-2.0 seconds.



This script was develeoped using python version 3.7.3

Meraki Camera Requirements

Firmware version 4.2 or newer
2nd generation MV camera
For further details:



Create a Virtual Environment:

$virtualenv venv

Activate the virtual Environment:

$source venv/bin/activate

Clone the Repo:

$git clone https://github.com/andersm9/Meraki_OpenCV_RTSP.git
$cd Meraki_OpenCV_RTSP

Install the requirements:

$pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Dashboard configuration:

Cameras -> <your_camera> -> Setting -> External RTSP -> yes

Make a note of your RTSP stream URL

Create a file "credentials.ini" with the following contents:


#RTSP source

host = **rtsp://<camera IP>/live**

#e.g.host = rtsp://


broker = **mqtt broker location**

#e.g broker = broker.hivemq.com

port = **mqtt broker port**

#e.g. port = 1883


#set location of SSD model (preconfigured for this repo)

prototxt = MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt

model = MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel

#set confidence level for detection

conf = **0-1**

#e.g for 20% confidence or above for detection

#conf = 0.2

Launch the script:

$python3 MV_OpenCV.py

Example Local Video


Example MQTT stream


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