Building Immutable ASAv on AWS with Terraform and Ansible

Ciscolive 2021 BRKDEV-2011



This repo supplements the BRKDEV-2011 CLUS session. This immmutable cloud infrastructure demo focuses on remote access to a dev/test environment with Terraform and Ansible orchestration.

The demo includes the following components:

  • AWS tenant
  • AWS EKS (kubernetes) cluster
  • NGINX web service
  • Cisco ASAv web vpn
  • Terraform
  • Ansible


The demo includes the following automation workflow:



This Demo requires a python3 virtual environment to run pythonic tools.

  $ pip install virtualenv
  $ virtualenv venv
  $ source bin/activate

Install Ansible and AWS CLI from the activated virtual environemnt.

  $ pip install ansible

The EC2 CLI tool is required for Terraform to log into AWS_::

  $ curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
  $ sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /

Configure your own AWS credentials:

  $ aws configure
  AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
  Default region name [None]: us-west-2
  Default output format [None]: json

Install Terraform:

  $ git clone
  $ cd terraform
  $ go install
  $ echo $PATH
  $ mv ~/Downloads/terraform /usr/local/bin/
  $ terraform --version

Clone files from repo

  $ git clone
  $ cd BRKDEV-2011.git

Prepare Immutable Infrastructure Demo

  1. If you haven't done so already, use AWS portal to create a private key for SSH to AWS VMs, and save it to your laptop. Copy the .pem file to both the ansible and eks directories on your laptop.

  2. Prepare a new image for ASAv VMs
    From the us-west-1 launch an ASAv image from the AWS marketplace. Launch the image and create a password for the admin account. Save this VM as a new image. This step is required to avoid interactive responces during AWSv bootstrapping later.

  3. Glean VPC details
    Using AWS EC2 CLI, learn the default VPC id and Subnet

    $ aws ec2 describe-subnets

Configure variables for Demo

$ vi eks/

Edit ami, key_name, vpc_id, and subnet_id

 variable "region" {
    default = "us-west-1"
  variable "az"{
    default = ["us-west-1b","us-west-1c"]
  variable "ami" {
    default = "ami-your ami"
  variable "vpc_id" {
    default = "add your default vpc"
  variable "key_name" {
    default = "your-key"
  variable "subnet_id" {
    default = "subnet-your subnet"

Running the Demo

Make sure to activate the python virtual environment before running terraform or ansible.

  $ cd eks/
  $ tree
        ├── #Configures ASAv VM and Ansible provisioner for post boot configuration
        ├── #Configures AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster
        ├── #Configures Kubernetes credentials
        ├── nginx-deployment.yaml #Configures Kubernetes NGINX delpoyment 
        ├── nginx-service.yaml #Configures service port for NGINX
        ├── #Screen output such as WebVPN IP Address
        ├── #Configures various seecurity groups
        ├── #Populates variables for terraform .tf config files
        ├── #Configures routing beetween EKS cluster VPC and Default VPC 
        └── #Configures new VPC for Kubernetes cluster
  $ cd ../ansible
  $ tree
        ├── ansible.cfg #Default settingd
        ├── asa.yml #Playbook to configure WebVPN settings
        ├── group_vars 
        │   ├── asa.yml #Variables tto ASAv configuration
        └── hosts #Dynamic Inventory update to AWS VM for ASAv
  $ cd ../eks 
  $ terraform plan
  $ terraform apply -auto-approve

Review Standard Output for internal IP address of INGNX service. Note, scroll the terminal up.

  null_resource.kubectl_pods (local-exec): NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE                                             NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
  null_resource.kubectl_pods (local-exec): nginx-587b5c4b5c-hswpd   1/1     Running   0          31s<----Change this IP

Review output for ASAv Web VPN Ip address

  webvpn_ip =<----Change this IP

Validate the Demo

Connect to webvpn IP portal to access NGINX.
Ignore certificate warnings
webvpn = admin/C!sc0123

  1. Access the WebVPN and login
    Access Webvpn

Login Webvpn

  1. Connect to NGINX internal IP adddress

Cleanup the Demo

  $ terraform destroy -auto-approve
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