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Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the Python code for a Python script to find the difference between running config and startup config of a device a Cisco DNA Center (DNAC) controller knows about.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • "git" command line tools
  • Homebrew (Mac OS X)

For Mac OS X Installation

git installation -
homebrew installation - ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Python 3.6 installation -
Python pip installation
curl -o
sudo python

Command Line Developer Tools Installation. After running command, complete installation using the GUI.

xcode-select --install

For Windows Installation

git installation -
Python 3.6 installation -
Be sure to check box for "Add Python to PATH" during the installer

'GIT' this code

All of the code and examples for this lesson is located in the 'add me here' directory. Clone and access it with the following commands:

git clone
cd config-archive

Use pip to install the necessary requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Code features

The Python script uses the Cisco DNAC APIs to get the difference between the running configuration and startup configuration of a device a Cisco DNAC Controller knows about. The APIs provides the details of the timestamp when the last startup and running configuration change was done and by whom. It also provides the difference between the running config and startup config for the given device.

Running the code

In, set your DNAC environment details


Once configured use the following command to run the code

python <device_ip>

Sample Output

Device IP Address

 Running Configuration Change time and user details
 Last configuration change at 21:51:21 UTC Wed Dec 18 2019 by admin

 Startup Configuration Change time and user details
 Last configuration change at 02:59:05 UTC Mon Dec 16 2019 by admin

  Difference between Running and startup config for the device

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

  -D697DF7F 28

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

certificate xxxxxxxxx

  -F33BED83 E64DF76A 5C5C33AF 88DE590E 250F
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