Intersight Alarm Monitor Example
AWS Lambda based Python 3.8 script to check Intersight for alarms generated within the past 15 minutes and post to a Webex room.
- Amazon AWS Account w/Lambda and Event Bridge Features (
[As of 3/2021 the free tier of Lambda allows for 1M free requests per month and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month and $1 per month for a million Event Bridge events]
- Webex Bot w/API Keys (
- Intersight Account w/API Keys (
- Linux machine with Python 3.8 installed
Replace contents of SecretKey.txt with Interight API Private Key
Replace contents of .env with Intersight API Key, Webex Room ID, Webex Bot Token
Create AWS Lambda package from root of project directory:
sudo pip3 install --target ./package cryptography requests python-dotenv
cd package/
zip -r ../ .
cd ..
zip -g *.py
zip -g *.txt
zip -g *.env
Create AWS Lambda Function using Python 3.8
Upload to Lambda Function
Set timeout to 8 seconds on AWS Lambda Function
Create AWS Event Bridge to run Lambda Function at a fixed interval every 15 minutes