AdBlocker on Umbrella
This is an Ad Blocker built on Cisco Umbrella. Please be aware that this script is a proof of concept to show how the Umbrella Enforcement API works. We do not intend to create a production version API integration or Ad Blocker.
Getting Started with the Installation
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Please follow the below steps. There is an extensive lab guide written for DevNet learling labs. Please send a message for more information, or check out the Cisco DevNet website.
Umbrella Dashboard:
- Policies
- Policy Components
- Integrations
- " + "
- " < insert name > "
- Create
- Click on integration
- Enable
- Copy paste key (behind ““)
- Hit save
- Policies
- Create new policy
- Click next
- Click drop down menu for security settings
- Add new setting
- Give name and click create
- Check boxes Malware, Newly Seen Domains, Command and Control, Phishing, Potentially Harmful + the new integration AdBlocker
- Click next
- Set content filtering to custom and click next
- Click next for apply destination list
- Edit the block page so that you know when the AdBlocker policy has been enforced.
- Open a terminal window and run the following commands:
$ mkdir AdBlocker
$ cd AdBlocker
$ git clone
Some libraries are needed to be installed, in order for the code to work. Please use the below method to do so on your terminal:
1. If necessary, hange directory to folder “AdBlocker” (cd <path to folder>)
2. Execute python file (python
3. If necessary install necessary libraries:
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
$ sudo pip install simplejson
$ sudo pip install requests
$ sudo pip install pyaml
Built With
- Bart Jan Menkveld
- Christopher van der Made
- Brian Sak
This project is licensed - see the LICENSE file for details