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API Documentation

A set of tools to integrate with the Cisco Telepresence Endpoint APIs in

Quick start examples

Connecting using WebSockets

const jsxapi = require('jsxapi');

  .connect('wss://host.example.com', {
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'password',
  .on('error', console.error)
  .on('ready', async (xapi) => {
    const volume = await xapi.status.get('Audio Volume');
    console.log(`volume is: ${volume}`);

Connecting using SSH

const jsxapi = require('jsxapi');

  .connect('ssh://host.example.com', {
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'password',
  .on('error', console.error)
  .on('ready', async (xapi) => {
    const volume = await xapi.status.get('Audio Volume');
    console.log(`volume is: ${volume}`);

New style API

The aim of the new style API is to improve readability, while also being more
suited towards automatic type generation and auto-completion.

// Set up a call
xapi.Command.Dial({ Number: 'user@example.com' });

// Fetch volume and print it
  .then((volume) => { console.log(volume); });

// Set a configuration
xapi.Config.SystemUnit.Name.set('My System');

// Listen to feedback
const off = xapi.Event.Standby.on((event) => {
  // ...

// De-register feedback

Old style API

// Set up a call
xapi.command('Dial', { Number: 'user@example.com' });

// Fetch volume and print it
  .get('Audio Volume')
  .then((volume) => { console.log(volume); });

// Set a configuration
xapi.config.set('SystemUnit Name', 'My System');

// Listen to feedback
const off = xapi.event.on('Standby', (event) => {
  // ...

// De-register feedback


The full API documentation can be built by running npm install in a jsxapi
module directory. Documentation will be located under docs/ can then be opened
in a browser.

More specifically:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
npm install jsxapi
cd node_modules/jsxapi
npm install

Then open ./docs/index.html.

Questions and support?

Find more information regarding Cisco's Room Devices over at
developer.cisco.com or the
TelePresence and Video
support forums.

Questions about the xAPI, integrations and customizations? Using
Webex Teams join the xAPI Devs
space community for realtime support by clicking this link
and entering your Webex Teams-registered e-mail address at the prompt.

Development & Contribution

Release procedure

Making a release is quite simple:

  • Perform all changes/commits.
  • Determine the version change (npm help semver).
  • Update "CHANGELOG.md" with version number, date and change summary.
  • Run npm version with the appropriate version bump.
  • Run npm publish to push the package version to the registry.
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