Cisco Telepresence XAPI over WebSockets, python library.

Python version required: 3.7 or newer.


This library allows you to connect to a Cisco Telepresence endpoint running CE
software version 9.7 or later using jsonrpc over websocket. There is also a
command-line utility built on top of the library.

The API itself is documented at


From PyPi

pip install [--user] xows

From a checkout of the git repo

python install [--user]


Websockets should be set to FollowHTTPService and HTTP Mode should be set to either HTTPS or HTTP/HTTPS.

Usage example

import xows
import asyncio

async def start():
    async with xows.XoWSClient('', username='admin1', password='') as client:
        def callback(data, id_):
            print(f'Feedback (Id {id_}): {data}')

        print('Status Query:',
            await client.xQuery(['Status', '**', 'DisplayName']))

        print('Get status:',
            await client.xGet(['Status', 'Audio', 'Volume']))
        print('Get configuration:',
            await client.xGet(['Configuration', 'SIP', 'Proxy', 1, 'Address']))

              await client.xCommand(['Audio', 'Volume', 'Set'], Level=60))

            await client.xSet(['Configuration', 'Audio', 'DefaultVolume'], 50))

        print('Subscription 0:',
            await client.subscribe(['Status', 'Audio', 'Volume'], callback, True))

        await client.wait_until_closed()

For more usage examples, check out the clixows script. It's source is found
under xows/ and it can be invoked using python3 -m xows, or,
after install, as clixows

Note that piping output from python scripts to other commands doesn't work well
unless you switch to unbuffered output, so e.g. if you want timestamping using
ts(1) you need to do e.g.

python3 -u -m xows my-endpoint feedback '**' | ts
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    +3Github contributors
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  • Programming Languages

  • License

    MIT License

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