Cisco DNA Center Proximity App

This repo is for an application that will call the new Cisco DNA Center Client Proximity API.
The repo includes also sample software to build a Webhook Receiver that will receive the Client Proximity data
and generate reports.

This app is to be used only in demo or lab environments, it is not written for production. Please follow these
recommendations for production Flask deployments:

Cisco Products & Services:

  • Cisco DNA Center

Tools & Frameworks:

  • Python environment to run the Flask App as a Webhook Receiver


The "" will save the notification to a file for records retention, parse the data and create reports.

  • Create a new Flask App to receive Cisco DNA Center notifications

This sample code is for proof of concepts and labs


This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License.

Cisco provides Code Exchange for convenience and informational purposes only, with no support of any kind. This page contains information and links from third-party websites that are governed by their own separate terms. Reference to a project or contributor on this page does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by Cisco.