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pipeline-gnmi Go Report Card Build Status

NOTE: For a more recently developed collector with more output flexibility and support, please evaluate usage of the following Telegraf plugins for your use case: cisco_telemetry_mdt and cisco_telemetry_gnmi.

A Model-Driven Telemetry collector based on the open-source tool pipeline including enhancements and bug fixes.

pipeline-gnmi is a Model-Driven Telemetry (MDT) collector based on the open-source tool pipeline which has gNMI support and fixes for maintainability (e.g. Go modules) and compatibility (e.g. Kafka version support). It supports MDT from IOS XE, IOS XR, and NX-OS enabling end-to-end Cisco MDT collection for DIY operators.

The original pipeline README is included here for reference.


pipeline-gnmi is written in Go and targets Go 1.11+. Windows and MacOS/Darwin support is experimental.

  1. pipeline-gnmi binaries may be downloaded from Releases
  2. Built from source:
git clone
cd pipeline-gnmi
make build
  1. Acquired via go get to be located in $GOPATH/bin


pipeline configuration support is maintained and detailed in the original README. Sample configuration is supplied as pipeline.conf.

gNMI Support

This project introduces support for gNMI.
gNMI is a standardized and cross-platform protocol for network management and telemetry. gNMI does not require prior sensor path configuration on the target device, merely enabling gRPC/gNMI is enough. Sensor paths are requested by the collector (e.g. pipeline). Subscription type (interval, on-change, target-defined) can be specified per path.

Filtering of retrieved sensor values can be done directly at the input stage through selectors in the configuration file,
by defining all the sensor paths that should be stored in a TSDB or forwarded via Kafka. Regular metrics filtering through metrics.json files is ignored and not implemented, due to the lack of user-friendliness of the configuration.

stage = xport_input
type = gnmi
server =

Sensor Path to subscribe to. No configuration on the device necessary

Appending an @ with a parameter specifies subscription type:

@x where x is a positive number indicates a fixed interval, e.g. @10 -> every 10 seconds

@change indicates only changes should be reported

omitting @ and parameter will do a target-specific subscriptions (not universally supported)

path1 = Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters@10 #path2 = /interfaces/interface/state@change

Whitelist the actual sensor values we are interested in (1 per line) and drop the rest.

This replaces metrics-based filtering for gNMI input - which is not implemented.

Note: Specifying one or more selectors will drop all other sensor values and is applied for all paths.

#select1 = Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters/packets-sent #select2 = Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters/packets-received

Suppress redundant messages (minimum hearbeat interval)

If set and 0 or positive, redundant messages should be suppressed by the server

If greater than 0, the number of seconds after which a measurement should be sent, even if no change has occured

#heartbeat_interval = 0

tls = false username = cisco password = ...

Kafka 2.x Support

This project supports Kafka 2.x by requiring the Kafka version (kafkaversion) to be specified in the config file stage. This is a requirement of the underlying Kafka library and ensures that the library is communicating with the Kafka brokers effectively.


Docker Environment Variables

This project has improved Docker support. The Dockerfile uses multi-stage builds and
builds Pipeline from scratch. The configuration file can now be created from environment variables directly,


is translated into a pipeline.conf with following contents:

id = pipeline

[mygnmirouter] stage = xport_input type = gnmi

If the special variable _password is used, the value is encrypted using the pipeline RSA key before being written to
the password option. Similarly _secret can be used, then the value is read from the file whose name is given as
value, encrypted using the pipeline RSA key and then written as password option. If the Pipeline RSA key is not
given or does not exist it is created upon creation of the container.

Additionally, existing replays of sensor data can be fed in efficiently using xz-compressed files.


pipeline-gnmi is licensed with Apache License, Version 2.0, per pipeline.


For support, please open a GitHub Issue or email

Special Thanks

Chris Cassar for implementing pipeline used by anyone interested in MDT, Steven Barth for gNMI plugin development, and the Cisco teams implementing MDT support in the platforms.

Use Case


This use case shows how to use the Pipeline tool chain to collect telemetry data from network devices from multiple vendors. It supports collecting data from IOS XE, IOS XR, and NX-OS network operating systems.


Access to network devices running IOS XR, IOS XE, or NX-OS network operating systems. You could try this use case on a DevNet Sandbox.
You must have a data output and display system such as Kafka, Prometheus, or InfluxDB to see the streaming telemetry data visually. Since the code is based on Go, there are no dependencies otherwise for the code itself.

gNMI (Google RPC Network Management Interface) introduction

The interface, gNMI, is a network management interface defined by OpenConfig, which is mostly led by Google. It provides configuration management and streaming telemetry in a single protocol. The interface is independent of the data model, and based on the Google RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework. This combination of rich tooling provides high-performance management.

  • A single service for state management (Streaming Telemetry and Configuration)
  • A tool set that is based on HTTP/2
  • A design that can carry any tree-structured data
  • Support across multiple vendors including Cisco


Pipeline, a tool collection, consumes IOS XR telemetry streams directly from the router or indirectly from a publish / subscribe bus. Once collected, Pipeline can perform some limited transformations of the data and forwards the resulting content on to a downstream, typically off-the-shelf, consumer. Supported downstream consumers include Apache Kafka, Influxdata TICK stack, Prometheus, dedicated gRPC clients, as well as dump-to-file for diagnostics. Other consumers such as Elasticsearch or Splunk can be set up to consume transformed telemetry data from the Kafka bus. Transformations performed by pipeline include producing JSON (from GPB/GPBKB inputs), template-based transformation, and metrics extraction (for TSDB consumption). The binary for Pipeline is included under bin. This binary, together with the configuration file pipeline.conf and a metrics.json file (only if you want to export telemetry metrics to InfluxDB or Prometheus), is all you need to collect telemetry from Cisco IOS XR and NX-OS routers.

gNMI Support

This project introduces support for gNMI. The gNMI protocol is a standardized and cross-platform protocol for network management and telemetry. With gNMI, you are not required to have prior sensor path configuration on the target device, merely enabling gRPC/gNMI is enough. Sensor paths are requested by the collector, in this example, Pipeline. You can specify subscription type (interval, on-change, target-defined) per path.

Kafka 2.x Support / Docker Environment Variables

This project supports Kafka 2.x by requiring the Kafka version (kafkaversion) to be specified in the config file stage. This is a requirement of the underlying Kafka library and ensures that the library is communicating with the Kafka brokers effectively. This project has improved Docker support. The Dockerfile uses multi-stage builds and builds Pipeline from scratch. The configuration file can now be created from environment variables directly.

Usage / Configuration

pipeline-gnmi is written in Go and targets Go 1.11+. Windows and MacOS/Darwin support is experimental.

  1. pipeline-gnmi binaries may be downloaded from Releases
  2. Built from source:
git clone pipeline-gnmimake build
  1. Acquired via go get to be located in $GOPATH/bin
  2. pipeline configuration support is maintained and detailed in the original README. Sample configuration is supplied as pipeline.conf.


Related Sandbox

Model Driven Telemetry

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