Testing an OpenStack cloud for High Availability(HA) is a critical aspect of certifying an OpenStack Cloud for production. But testing an OpenStack cloud to ensure that it meets the criteria for High Availability can become quite complex and involves a combination of several aspects
This tool attempts to automate some of these workflows and makes it easier for the Cloud admin to trigger disruptions and asses "how available" the OpenStack cloud actually is.
Cloud99 has 3 important components built-in
All 3 of the above are written using a plugin model so there can be several monitors, disruptors and runners based on your OpenStack deployment. For now we implement commonly used plugins for some of these. The sections below describe these in more detail.
Monitors as the name suggests, monitor the cloud while the disruption event/tests are in progress. For now the following monitors are supported.
For the Nagios monitor being used with Application VMs we prebuild a qcow2 images with nagios agent enabled and launch this on the cloud before testing starts. This flow will also be automated in the next release.
Disruptors as the name suggests disrupts the Openstack services/Nodes. For now the following disruptors are supported
Disruption modes
At the current moment three disruption modes are supported: sequential, parallel and round-robin disruption.
The parallel disruption mode is simple.
All disruptors defined in the config file run simultaneously (parallel) and independently from each other.
In the round-mode disruptions are performed sequentially one by one until all of them finished (the "times" count become 0). I.e
if you defined 2 disruptors, firstly it will disrupt one (bring down, wait for downtime, bring up, wait for cool down time, decrease "times" counter), after that it will disrupt second (bring down, wait for downtime, bring up, wait for cool down time, decrease "times" counter) one and then go back to first.
Sequential mode are very similar to round-robin, except it will perform all disrupions on one target before proceeding to next one.
Runners are the critical part which actually runs scale/functionality tests in parallel with disruptions. This can be any script/framework that runs OpenStack tests. The only requirement is the framework should continue on failure as disruptions can cause failures. For now we support the following runner
The framework spawns separate threads for each runner, monitor and disruptors and performs all these in parallel. So for example you can perform a test which Boots a VM, stop the nova scheduler and monitors the cloud. All these actions happen in parallel.
Now lets talk about how to use the tool and commands involved
Getting Started
git clone https://github.com/cisco-oss-eng/Cloud99.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install
cloud99 validate_config configs/example.yaml
cloud99 run configs/example.yaml
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