
Ansible Network Backup

This role backs up the configuration of a network device into a git repository.

The file is backed up to the directory specified in network_backup_dir. A git repo is used when
network_backup_repository is specified.


Currently supports:

  • Cisco IOS XE
  • Cisco IOS XR
  • Cisco NX OS
  • Cisco ASA

Role Variables

  • network_backup_repository: The git repository that will be use to store the backups
    • Backups will not be pushed to git when network_backup_repository is not specified
  • network_backup_dir: The directory where the backups will be placed. Default: "{{ playbook_dir }}/backups"
    • network_backup_dir will be created when it does not exist
  • git_name: Set the user's git name when not otherwise specified
  • git_email: Set the user's git email when not otherwise specified




Adding without the ansible- prefix:

git clone network-backup

Adding as a submodule:

git submodule add network-backup

Example Playbook

- hosts: network
  gather_facts: no
  connection: network_cli
    - include_role:
        name: network-backup
        network_backup_repository: ''



Use Case

Ansible Network Backup

This role backs up the configuration of a network device into a git repository.

The file is backed up to the directory specified in network_backup_dir. A git repo is used when network_backup_repository is specified.


Currently supports:

  • Cisco IOS XE
  • Cisco NX OS
  • Cisco ASA

Role Variables

  • network_backup_repository: The git repository that will be use to store the backups
    • Backups will not be pushed to git when network_backup_repository is not specified
  • network_backup_dir: The directory where the backups will be placed. Default: "{{ playbook_dir }}/backups"
    • network_backup_dir will be created when it does not exist
  • git_name: Set the user's git name when not otherwise specified
  • git_email: Set the user's git email when not otherwise specified


Adding without the ansible- prefix:

git clone network-backup

Adding as a submodule:

git submodule add network-backup

Example Playbook

- hosts: network  gather_facts: no  connection: network_cli  tasks:    - include_role:        name: network-backup      vars:        network_backup_repository: ''
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