Just a collection of helpful meraki scripts.
All scripts are using the asyncio version of the meraki library
To run these scripts your organization(s) must be enabled for api access and you must have an api key.
Please refer to the official documentation for more details.
This script will generate 200 organizations with 10 networks each. This is helpfull, if you want to test something over more networks.
This script will analyze and print the usage of subnetPools inside an organization.
pip3 install meraki -U
usage: aio_list_used_template_ranges.py [-h] -o ORGANIZATIONS
Analyze the usage of subnetPool templates
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the name/id of the organization(s) you want to analyze
Analyzing organization Template_Demo
Downloading Changelog
Downloading templates
Analyzing template Template_One
Analyzing template Template_Two
Analyzing template Template_Three
Analyzing template Template_Four
Analyzing template Template_Five
Getting largest supernetworks: mask 28 mask 29 mask 28
Downloading VLAN information mask 28 subnetworks: total=128 used=34 free=94 -> usage 26.5625% mask 29 subnetworks: total=256 used=20 free=236 -> usage 7.8125% mask 28 subnetworks: total=128 used=32 free=96 -> usage 25.0%
Step 1:
Since we don't have access yet to the address settings in the network template, this script will download the changelog
Step 2:
It will download all templates and map all network configuration changes to the templates.
Which also means, that it can only detect networks of a template which got changed in the last 14 months or 2 years. see Meraki Documentation for details
Step 3:
It will search for the biggest standalone supernetworks and map the smallest possible mask.
Step 4:
It will download the vlan information of all networks and calculate their usage on their respective supernetwork.
Step 5:
Print results
This script will create/update the VPN connection between two meraki
usage: org2orgVPN.py [-h] -o1 ORGANIZATION1 -o2 ORGANIZATION2
[-t1 TAGS1 [TAGS1 ...]] [-t2 TAGS2 [TAGS2 ...]] [-p PSK]
[--ike-version IKE_VERSION]
This script will create/update the VPN connection between two meraki
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o1 ORGANIZATION1, --organization1 ORGANIZATION1
the name/id of the first organization
-o2 ORGANIZATION2, --organization2 ORGANIZATION2
the name/id of the second organization
-t1 TAGS1 [TAGS1 ...], --tags1 TAGS1 [TAGS1 ...]
the tags from the first organization to grab the vpn
networks and remote IPs. Leave Empty for all
-t2 TAGS2 [TAGS2 ...], --tags2 TAGS2 [TAGS2 ...]
the tags from the second organization to grab the vpn
networks and remote IPs. Leave Empty for all
-p PSK, --psk PSK the psk for the vpn connection. Use "random" to
generate a random key
--ike-version IKE_VERSION
the IKE version. Must be 1 or 2
This script will generate QRCodes for configured SSIDs.
You have to provide at least the organization, but you can filter it also by the network parameter.
the QRCodes will be places in a subdirectory "img". The Filename is {NetworkName}_{SSID}.png.
usage: generate_qrcodes.py [-h] [-o ORGANIZATION] [-n NETWORKS [NETWORKS ...]]
[-s SSIDS [SSIDS ...]]
Generates QRCodes from Meraki wireless networks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the name/id of the organization
the name/id of the networks to generate the qr codes
from. If you are providing this parameter, then you must
provide the organization.
-s SSIDS [SSIDS ...], --ssid SSIDS [SSIDS ...]
the name of the ssids to generate the qr codes
This scripts helps to find the id fo rorganization, network, device or (bluetooth) client just by passing it's name/description via a regular expression.
By default it will only search in the organization-, network- or device name. To match also clients/bluetooth clients you have to specify the -s parameter.
usage: id_finder.py [-h] -p PATTERN [-s OPTIONS]
This scripts helps to find the id of an organization, network, device or
(bluetooth) client
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
the regular expression to search for (default: None)
-s OPTIONS, --search_options OPTIONS
specifies which objects should be looked up:
o=organizations, n=networks, d=devices, c=clients,
b=bluetooth clients (default: ond)
The name/id of the organizations under which you want
to limit the search. This makes the o option of -s
obsolete. (default: None)
the name/id of the networks under which you want to
limit the search. This makes the n option of -s
obsolete. (default: None)
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