Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric Automation

This repository provides code samples to automate various tasks related to Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric.

What is Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric?

Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric is a cloud-managed network fabric data-center solution, delivered as a service, that enables customers to easily design, deploy, manage, and scale multiple fabrics globally with a minimum of expertise.

What's in this repository?

This repository includes code samples written in Python to automate common Nexus Hyperfabric tasks such as:

  • Fabric provisioning
  • Fabric modifications
  • ...


All access to Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric requires a bearer token. Obtain a token by selecting 'API bearer tokens' after clicking on your username in the top right-hand corner of the screen once logged into

Add the token as an environment variable by using export AUTH_TOKEN=`cat AUTH_TOKEN` for example, assuming you have saved the token in a local file called AUTH_TOKEN.

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  • Owner

  • Contributors

    +1Github contributor
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  • Programming Languages

  • License

    MIT License

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