
Webex-Bot-Starter vBond Bot

Template for the vBond Webex Teams bot

This Webex Bot, vBond, was created in effort to bring teams together during the COVID-19 pandemic. The vBond bot focuses on intrinsic nature of humans to socialize.

This is a very simple Webex Teams node.JS vBond bot application built from a template, which is comprised of old sparkbotstarter template created by Victor Algaze and webex-node-bot-framework that simplifies development for Webex Teams bots.


  • node.js (minimum supported v8.0.0 & npm 2.14.12 and up)

  • Sign up for Webex Teams (logged in with your web browser)

Steps to get the bot working

  1. Create a Webex Teams bot (save the API access token and username):

  2. Sign up for nGrok, then connect and start it on your machine (save the port number and public web address):

  3. After installing ngrok, run it on your local machine to get a public ip address, eg ngrok http 3000 --region=eu

  4. Copy the ip address displayed in the ngrok window, ie: :

  5. Edit config.json with the following values:

  • token - Set this to the token for your bot that you got in step 1
  • port - Set this to the port you set when you started ngrok in step 3 (ie: 3000)
  • webhookUrl - Set this to the ip address that you copied in step 4
  1. Turn on your bot server with npm start

  2. Create a space in Webex Teams

  3. Add the bot (by its username) to the space in Webex Teams

  4. Be sure to capitalize the command words

vBond Bot Illustration

  1. Creating a space on Webex Teams with vBond Bot

Creating Space

  1. vBond Bot initial conversation


  1. Interaction with vBond Bot


  1. Request completed


Be sure to @mention the Bot and write commands (case-sensitive)

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    The Unlicense

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