CiberC Code Automation
Generation of interface reports for IOS devices in parallel, cross validations for migration of VRFs from IOS devices to XR with option for save data from devices in database MongoDB.
Python >= 3.8 or < 4.0
latest version validated and tested
One of our clients generated the VRF migration report in an exhausting time, in terms of the client, one week to validate each piece of equipment, ciberc-ca generates a comparative cross-validation report saving a lot of time and avoiding human errors, at the same time it allows saving and viewing records of alive and interfaces command when establishing a connection with a MongoDB database.
Ubuntu 20.04 or o any Distribution of Linux with support to Python3
prepare environment:
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install cibercca
mkdir code
cd code
You can follow this steps or view this video example
1. Install Python version >=3.8 or <4.0
First, download and install Python from the official Python page.
Make sure to check the "Add Python to PATH" option during the installation.
python --version
URL to download Python 3.9.13:
2. Install Git
Download and install Git from the official Git page:
3. Install pip (package installer for Python) (if not included with Python)
Generally, the Python installation on Windows includes pip automatically. To verify, open the Command Prompt (cmd) and run:
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
4. Start a Python project in Visual Studio Code
Install virtualenv using pip
Open the Command Prompt (cmd as administrator) and run:
python -m pip install virtualenv
5. Create and activate a virtual environment in Visual Studio Code
Open the Command Prompt (cmd as administrator) and run the following commands to create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv env
To activate the virtual environment run:
Then create a new folder called code, this folder is going to use to do the management and data of the device network independent:
mkdir code
cd code
6. Install cibercca using pip within the virtual environment
With the virtual environment activated, install cibercca:
python -m pip install cibercca
The first step is to create the inventory files, in these will go the record of the devices assigned to evaluate
Description: Create the necessary files to create the cyberc-ca system inventory
--create / --no-create create files from inventory examples [default: no-create]
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code >'
> ciberc-ca inventory --create
Description: Ping report of all inventory devices. When --output=database must be establish database connection
--path TEXT
--group TEXT
--workers INTEGER
--output TEXT The type to print report (json, table or database) [default: json]
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code>'
> ciberc-ca alive --path=inventory/ --group=guatemala --workers=4 --output=json > alive-report.json
> ciberc-ca alive --path=inventory/ --group=guatemala --workers=4 --output=database
Description: report interfaces of cisco ios devices currently, generates report in json as a summary in excel. When --output=database must be establish database connection
- Vlans
- trunk interfaces
- bridge-domain
- mac-address-table dynamic
--path PATH The path to inventory [required]
--group TEXT The groups to filter inventory [required]
--workers INTEGER The parallel execution [default: 2]
--output TEXT The type to print report (json, excel and database) [default: json]
--mechanism TEXT The excel mechanism to print report
--name TEXT The name of excel report
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code>'
> ciberc-ca interfaces --path=core/inventory/ --group=guatemala --output=json > interfaces.json
> ciberc-ca interfaces --path=core/inventory/ --output=excel --mechanism=row --name=interfaces > interfaces.json
> ciberc-ca interfaces --path=core/inventory/ --group=guatemala --output=database
Description: report por vrf and ping results for inventory devices
--path PATH The path to inventory [required]
--group TEXT The groups to filter inventory [required]
--workers INTEGER The parallel execution [default: 2]
--output TEXT The type to print report [default: json]
--name TEXT The name of the excel file
--process TEXT what type of process for the vrf report [src, dst] [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code>'
> ciberc-ca ping --path=core/inventory/ --group=src,guatemala,escuintla --output=json --name=ReportPingSource --process=src
> ciberc-ca ping --path=core/inventory/ --group=dst,guatemala,escuintla --output=json --name=ReportPingDestinations --process=dst
Description: Command to merge the source vrf listing files and destination with validated report
--file-src TEXT Vrf origin listing file [required]
--file-dst TEXT Target vrf listing file [required]
--output TEXT The type to print report [required]
--name TEXT The name of the excel file
--help Show this message and exit.
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code>'
> ciberc-ca ping-merge --file-src=file_vrfs_source.json --file-dst=file_vrf_destinations.json --output=excel --name=ReporteMigrations
Description: Return record list for type of command, just if exist data and connection with MongoDB (alive or interfaces)
--command TEXT Type of command (alive or interfaces) [required]
Note: Remember to execute command into folder './code>'
> ciberc-ca records ---command=alive
> ciberc-ca records ---command=interfaces
├── dbconnect.yaml
├── defaults.yaml
├── groups.yaml
└── hosts.yaml
Inventory is based on nornir structure
dbconnect.yaml: Contains url connection for MongoDB.
defaults.yaml: Contains all the default variables for the devices.
groups.yaml: Although based on nornir groups, two mandatory groups are needed for configuration, src, dst for the cross-validation ping-merge command.
hosts.yaml: where all IOS devices are registered for interface reporting, source IOS and destination XR for VRF's migration
Para implementar el servicio una vez que haya definido los equipos en el archivo de hosts (aquí se define el usuario y la contraseña que se aplicará por tipo de dispositivo), los nombres de los dispositivos de red correctamente (en el archivo etc/hosts) y los dispositivos tienen la configuración de SSH, entonces colocaría los comandos de ejemplo para activar el agente ssh y xml en XR.
# default.yaml
domain: local.local
# groups.yaml
# {} => ejemplo
guatemala: {}
# for the ping report, it contains all the source computers
src: {}
# for the ping report, it contains all the destination computers
dst: {}
# hosts.yaml
hostname: localhost
port: 22
username: user
password: secret
platform: ios
- guatemala
- src # used to separate the source computers from the migration
hostname: localhost
port: 22
username: user
password: secret
platform: iosxr
source: R1 # to which device does the migration belong, virtual link to compare reports
- guatemala
- dst # used to separate the migration destination computers
you can check the configuration in the devices in the generated report
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please create an issue against this repository, or send me an email to:
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