Meraki MS ACL

This is a proof of concept that updates the ACLs on a Meraki MS Switch from a CSV file. This script backs up the current ACLs and then updates them with ACLs from a CSV file located at ./acl_push/acl/push.csv.

  • Technology stack: Python and the Meraki SDK.
  • Status: Beta. I wrote this script in a few hours to share with a customer an example of what could be accomplished with the Meraki API.


Clone the repo

Create a 'meraki_acl' folder on your machine.

Download the repo, using either the git method, or the non-get method described below.

Using git

Download and launch git
Using git, navigate to the 'meraki_acl' folder you created on your machine.
Clone the project, using the following command.

git clone

Non-git method - Download the repo from GitHub

In the repo, click on 'Code' and 'Download Zip'.

Extract the zip into the 'meraki_acl' folder on your machine

Go to your project folder

cd meraki_acl

Set up a Python venv

First make sure that you have Python 3 installed on your machine. We will then be using venv to create an isolated environment with only the necessary packages.

Install virtualenv via pip

pip install virtualenv
py -m venv .venv

Create the venv

python3 -m venv .venv

Activate your venv

Windows machines:

source .venv/Scripts/activate

Non-Windows machines:

source .venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


Create a file in the utils folder. Add your Meraki dashboard API key and the Network Name to receive the updated ACLs.

Update the acl_push.csv file in the acl_push folder with the access control entries that should be pushed to your network. An example
of this file is found at acl_push/acl_push.csv.

Options for each entry:

  • Policy (required) = Deny or Allow
  • IP Version (required) = Any, IPv4, or IPv6
  • Protocol (required) = TCP, UDP, or Any
  • Source (required) = CIDR formatted IP address or subnet, or Any
  • Scr port (required) = port number or Any
  • Destination (required) = CIDR formatted IP address or subnet, or Any
  • Dst port (required) = port number or Any
  • Vlan (required) = Vlan number or Any
  • Comment = Freeform description of the ACL entry

Run the Python Script

The command to run Python could vary slightly on your machine, depending on your Python installation.

Windows machines


Non-Windows machines


Additional information

Meraki Network Switch ACL API documentation:

Meraki Python SDK documentation:

View code on GitHub
  • Owner

  • Contributors

    +1Github contributor
  • Categories

  • Products

  • Programming Languages

  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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