
Cisco PSIRT Updates

This Python script connects to the Cisco PSIRT API and creates a CSV file of PSIRT updates that have occurred in the last 7 days.

What problem is this script trying to solve?

Using the Cisco Security Advisories portal, it can be difficult to determine what PSIRT notifications have been updated with new information, affected products, workarounds, and patches.

This script utilizes the Cisco PSIRT openVuln API to create a CSV file of all updated Cisco PSIRT notifications that have occurred in the last 7 days.

This CSV will make it easier for a security team to review updated PSIRT information and take any required remediatory actions.

Cisco PSIRT OpenVuln API information

More information about the PSIRT OpenVuln API can be found on this Cisco DevNet page.


This script requires a Python environment and the libraries included in the requirements.txt file.

Import requirements file: pip install -r requirements.txt

An account will also need to be created to access the Cisco API Console.

Cisco API Console Registration

  1. Once logged into the Cisco API Console, click on "My Keys & Apps"
    My Keys & Apps

  2. Click on "Register a New Apps

  3. Give your application a names

  4. Provide an optional description of the application

  5. Select "Client Credentials" in the "OAuth2.0 Credentials" section

  6. Select the "Cisco PSIRT openVuln API" check box

  7. Agree to the "Terms of Service"

  8. Click on "Register"

The generated "Key" and "Client Secret" should be used as the client_id and client_secret objects in

client_id = config["BEARER"]["client_id"]
client_secret = config["BEARER"]["client_secret"]

Configparser to store and access secrets

All the API keys are stored in a config.ini file using configparser. Your config.ini file should look like this:

Sample config.ini file

Project file structure

This is a sample file structure


$  python.exe is the main script. It calls in the utils folder to obtain the OAuth Bearer access token. Then is called, using the Bearer token as authentication, all Cisco PSIRTs updated in the last 7 days are collected into a semi-colon delimited CSV file. The CSV file is stored in the reports folder.

Sample report

This is a sample CSV report

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